Things that go bump in the night!


Patron saint of bore-cutters
Aug 26, 2007
In this case that thing was me!
I followed up on the 5 year long streak of accidents and illness that has been my curse, by tripping on the stairs and doing a flat fall in darkness all the way down.
Result: right wrist broken, jaw broken, cranial fracture resulting in intercranial bleeding and loss of hearing in my right ear.
My wife found me in a blood pool ( bleeding big time from node and ear) and called for an anbulance.
This is stuff, I've been told.
I was unconscious for almost 24 hrs and remember NOTHING from sitting at the computer thursday night, hearing my wife saying, she was going to bed and waking up in ICU and vomiting over the edge of the bed and all over the floor.
I vomited again shortly after. This time I managed to grab the puke-bag, but wasn't aware, that I was wearing an oxygen mask.................anther big mess.
Then they oputfitted me with nasal oxygen tube, so next time I i vomited, I hit the bag.

Your life has taken a major dive,when being able to puke in a bag is a major sucess.

I found out that I had been shuttled between 2 hospitals, because of Corona
Had two brain scans because they were seriously worried about the inter cranial bleeding ( Yes, Murphy, I now have proof that I have a brain..........................suck on that!)

Then I ended up in yet another hospital, had the arm put in a cast and spent 2½ days vaccilating between coma and sleep.

They checked my eyes today ( Mostly ok, bit of retina bleeding in the right one) and now I'm home.
I go back in friday to see if they can do anything about my deaf right ear.

I'm thankfull that I live in a country, that is on top of the Corona, otherwise they would have just had to let me go.

I scared the shit out of my wife.

Writing this with my right hand in a cast, an out of this world head ache and hardly being able to sit up for vertigo has been a bitch.

I just wanted to make sure all my friends here knew I was still alive ( Yes Mick, I am a stupid olf duffer for going downstairs in the dark, you don't have to point that out!) ;)

I'll be as active on the forum as I can, love y'all.


sorry for typos and such, I'm hammering this out with ne hand and ½ a brain.

So sorry to hear.

Luckily, you had emergency medical care about like available, and a mail-order bride to find you.

Let's hear it for good women and medical care.
Oh bugger Stig, what a rotten hand you’ve been dealt lately.

Probably the ideal time to spend time at home anyway.
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Holy crap! Do you always need to be the best no matter what you do? That was way too close!

Glad you are still with us, heal well brother.
Glad you survived and hope the healing goes well Stig.

Please don't go to such extremes to make us all feel a little better about our own situations've gotten your point across by now.
Christ Stig. You sure know how to push the envelope. Hope ya heal up ok. Maybe some motion sensor lights at the steps would help.
Speedy recovery Stig. Your wife must have been freaking out when she found you!
Oh wow Stig! I was online last night and was thinking we hadn't heard from you in a while...shit you are a mess, but thank god you are alive. All the best for you and Margot ❤️❤️
Geezus Keee Riest!!

That is some nasty shite, wow man, sorry to hear. Sounds like you are in your usual good spirits though. Heal up and let us know if we can help.

I noticed you hadn't posted in awhile
What a nasty episode you're going through again :(. I feel terribly sorry that you have to endure that much pain. Hope you'll recover quickly!