As computing moves on, more things become available; many times what used to be impossibly expensive, can even soon later be found for free!
Also, especially those taking pictures, should capture them to a container. Sometimes for others to look at, sometimes just to see your own evolution etc. This could push you forward as things take form, urge you to keep refining, fill in holes etc. Also, it is good to make and collect in a some format pattern in the long run, sizes, colors etc. that half way match up to make a book etc. will be best in the long run i think.
Page flip software has gotten very good and the price is rite (if it's free, it's fer me!).
You can have an online presence With advertising column is free. Also, just the old school feel of a book seems to suit the topic (rope/knotting, cutting, climbing etc.) to me in it's rich history.
Presently am playing with something that also lets me add Flash .swf's : this is also free, gets a logo on all right hand pages over 50 pages, and you make to disc, put online etc.
Have always wanted to draw together the feel of an old knotting book, with simple secrets on parchmeant, bound in leather.
Even if eventually selling something, might gather some thoughts to form here, give teaser etc.
Nice to see some of the usual suspects still haunting these pages!