In The News...

“As we dig deeper into her son’s records, we can see in his first three years at Augusta Fells, he failed 22 classes and was late or absent 272 days.”

“He's a good kid. He didn't deserve that. Where's the mentors? Where is the help for him? I hate that this is happening to my child,”

She has a bit of a point. They kept sending him forward even though he didn't deserve to get promoted, but that doesn't absolve her of responsibility. Even with working three jobs, you should have a clue your son's a dumbass. He's still better than half the class though. Lulz...

“As we dig deeper into her son’s records, we can see in his first three years at Augusta Fells, he failed 22 classes and was late or absent 272 days.”

“He's a good kid. He didn't deserve that. Where's the mentors? Where is the help for him? I hate that this is happening to my child,”

More of that horrid oppression by ol’ Whitey!
I've always loved the Brit's for their dry humor, but have also lately discovered cases of their brutal honesty being quite refreshing. Case in point....

It will continue until the right pansy corners the right “offender”, and then it’ll be game on. Got to tolerate fools who refuse to accept their gender. Got to tolerate fools so out of touch with their kids that they raise hellions, then blame school/teachers/whoever for their failure. Enough is enough.