In The News...

Don't know how much you all hear about this but it's daily here. What a mess.

Of course the opposition goes after the Gov. right away, and just a couple top people in his Admin. No mentions of the persons who made the deal, didn't treat or test the water, covered up test results, etc....the real people at fault. Several criminals who should be in prison and lose any estates in reparations are going to get away with what they did here I'm thinking.
We don't hear about it everyday here but I have been watching the situation. A nightmare situation that leaves a hovering dread over parents.
I hear it on the news a few times a week. We had our own water problems in Walkerton, killed 5 people.

Really sucks these situations.
What seems to be going well for Europe?

The migrant invasion. He says sarcastically.........

Yes, yes, I know about the poor tired huddled masses, but come on.

I think that the states should be able to tell the feds to F off. Our govt helped create the migrant invasion, spent our tax money on it, now they want to unload the people displaced by that war in people's back yards. No questions asked.

Is it all just a plan to take away more of our rights and liberties?
Lots of countries in Europe is telling " The state " to F off when it comes to muslim refugees.

Most of them in Eastern Europe, but more will follow in the west, I think.
I find it really weird that our govt would go in a support a catastrophic war, and then force the states to take in refugees/ combatants from said war zone.

Might have been better to let Assad handle this shit.

Nothing smarter than bashing a hornets nest and getting the shit stung out of you afterwards.
Google's self driving car hit a bus recently. Google plans to tell the car that large objects like buses are not likely to yield the right of way.:lol:
States rights? Negative.

How do you see this as an encroachment on State's rights?

It's Federal money and each State has the choice/right not to suck on the teat. Simple.

By taking the money they consent to spending it within the confines of the federal guidelines. It seems that non-discrimination is one of those guidelines.
So we would have to reject all federal aid to be able to say no to depositing war torn people from a country our FEDERAL govt had a direct hand in tearing apart?

Am I the only one who doesn't think this makes sense anymore?

Discrimination? You bet. Call it that if you want.
Google's self driving car hit a bus recently. Google plans to tell the car that large objects like buses are not likely to yield the right of way.:lol:

That's funny, but unfortunate.

I can't wait for fully computer driven interconnected cars, in a lot of ways. I trust computers more than people any more. If I live to be an old man who can't drive anymore, I don't think I'll need to.