How'd it go today?

Great work on that Ash Pork.

Erik, the ranger didn't slow down because there's only 2" under it. :P

Lotta wind eh? We are screwed if we get more snow, I pushed piles over 8' tall. No more room for anymore else.
More brush work today. No burn day so we filled up the areas we had previously cleared with newly cut brush to burn next week. About two more days work over there and the insurance company should be happy. The HO is tickled. Came out in the rain to let me know how much she loved what we do. :D
Went to an estimate this afternoon. med large valley oak the guy wants topped and one side pretty much gone to protect his mules and barn. The storms up here have pretty much brutalized the trees that had any kind of leaves left on them. This one looks a tad stressed from the live stock and the watering of the pasture it is in. HO waters the pasture to keep grass up for the mules. I took three pondos down for this guy last year, friend of my parents. I think we might end up removing it (40" - 42" dbh and 75-80' high). Can't flop it as there is a road, fence, pump house and barn. But I can take some serious wood and bomb the shots. Get it to a size I can flop.
HO will clean up with his equipment. I tried to just talk him into some reduction .... oh well.. He has to get back to work to pay me anyway.
More brush work today. No burn day so we filled up the areas we had previously cleared with newly cut brush to burn next week. About two more days work over there and the insurance company should be happy. The HO is tickled. Came out in the rain to let me know how much she loved what we do. :D
Went to an estimate this afternoon. med large valley oak the guy wants topped and one side pretty much gone to protect his mules and barn. The storms up here have pretty much brutalized the trees that had any kind of leaves left on them. This one looks a tad stressed from the live stock and the watering of the pasture it is in. HO waters the pasture to keep grass up for the mules. I took three pondos down for this guy last year, friend of my parents. I think we might end up removing it (40" - 42" dbh and 75-80' high). Can't flop it as there is a road, fence, pump house and barn. But I can take some serious wood and bomb the shots. Get it to a size I can flop.
HO will clean up with his equipment. I tried to just talk him into some reduction .... oh well.. He has to get back to work to pay me anyway.
My wife has been having a hard time breathing and we are going to explore if she has any food allergies. We are both going to do a two week elimination diet where we forgo processed foods, restaurants, and known food allergens. After a purge we add allergen foods back in one at a time and observe the effect. Looking over the menu for the next week, I am fairly certain I am going to die. Its been nice chatting with all you folks.
^ Looks good! I have to say, that is the first F-650 (or F-750) Chip truck i have seen, i love the color combo!

Well i met another tree guy today, he owns a small tree company in cincinnati (his name is treevet over on Arborist site). He has a BMG for sale, it is in pretty good shape. I just gotta run some numbers and see if my wallet will allow me to buy it.

Treevet,he's a friend of mine,tell him Bill in florida says hi.
Yes, he got all worked up because some of us had different ideas about polled trees than he had.
Left and proceeded to badmouth us something terrible on AS.

More of a chicken than a douchebag.
New old one had been giving out a burning wire insulation odor, and about a week ago, finally sent a plume of smoke up to the ceiling and conked. Wow, big change between the old one and the new, and happy to be back at the treehouse!
Treevet; didn't we bounce him out of here for being a douchebag?

Yea over on AS he told me that i should stick around AS more often... Thats not gonna happen, I cant stand over 70% of the people over there, everyone is just so negitive... I'll stick with the tree house...