arborist directory

Really shifting that way here too. I have several clients that stop by my home show booth that I never even talk to on the phone. Starting Oct. we are going to email bids for the most part.
I'm glad phone books are on the way out. Since the beginning of phones there was pretty much one book. Then about 25 years ago multiple companies started coming out with their own "yellow" books. Immediately followed by a deluge of sales reps trying to get you to advertise in all those books.

Then, somebody got the brilliant idea to split the books into areas within the same company. We have a city book, a county book, an eastside book, a westside book, or you can get the whole Portland Metro book. Why would you want anything but the Metro? Who shops in just one city or one county only? What a waste!

For 6 years I've been trying to get removed from all the drop-off lists. At least the paper is recyclable.