The RIP Thread...

It is fascinating to me that Gordon read about TWEF in a Time magazine article and adapted most of the song's lyrics directly from the article. Tens of thousands of people read the same article yet only he wrote a huge hit directly from it, of course adding the beautiful melody.


Milan Kundera at 94

“Mr. Kundera himself wrote in “Insignificance,” “We’ve known for a long time that it was no longer possible to overturn this world, nor reshape it, nor head off its dangerous headlong rush. There’s been only one possible resistance: to not take it seriously.”

He had struck a similar note in 1985, on accepting the Jerusalem Prize, one of several honors he received:

“There is a fine Jewish proverb,” he said in his acceptance speech: “Man thinks, God laughs.” And then a fine Kunderian flourish:
“But why does God laugh? Because man thinks and the truth escapes him. Because the more men think, the more one man’s thought diverges from another’s. And finally, because man is never what he thinks he is.””
That’s rough Rich, losing your dad is tough, your whole world changes because your reference point is gone.
70 is no age.
Best to your mum and family.
Thank you all. It’s rough but not unexpected. Failing health since a stroke in early 2020. Smoking from 12 till 66 did not help things.