The History Channel; Ax Men

ok steve, the pink thing is the yarder
green line is a guy line
blue is the sky line
red is the skidding main
grey is the carriage
black is the choker
brown at the bottom is a stump and the brown in the middle is a log

engineer tightens skyline, then feathers brake (brake controls drum speed) for skidding main as the weight of the carriage (which hangs from sky line by 2 pullys) is unspooling drum on the way down the hill. there are 2 "clamps" in the carriage, one will clamp to the sky line and the other to the skidding main. if you want to stop the carriage along the skyline then you activate that clamp, at this point you can release the skidding main clamp and pull slack through the carriage. when you want to pull the logs in the engineer winds that drum in puling the logs towards the carriage, when they get close the skidding main clamp is activated and the skyline clamp is released allowing the carriage and logs to be pulled up hill. clear as mud?


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Willie, I'm pretty sure he's ribbing me, not commenting on your well done post.

But I could be wrong...he is Canadian after all.
Thanks Willie. I understand now. I just have one more question. What does the motor in the carriage do? Cuz it looks like everything in your picture (except the clamps in the carriage) is powered by winches on the yarder. OR, am I seeing several different systems on the TV show?
Thanks Willie. I understand now. I just have one more question. What does the motor in the carriage do? Cuz it looks like everything in your picture (except the clamps in the carriage) is powered by winches on the yarder. OR, am I seeing several different systems on the TV show?
My thoughts exactly .:?
the engine in the carriage powers the hydraulics for the clamps and the "slack kicker". the slack kicker helps pull the skidding main from the yarder so the guys on the ground can take the end of it off to the side to where the chokers are. with out a slack kicker the ground guys would have to pull by hand the line all the way from the yarder instead of just from the carriage. takes one guy to pull line instead of 3. the other 2 guys can be setting chokers
These are the first five in the list on the Canadian invention web page.
5 Pin Bowling A truly Canadian sport invented by T.E. Ryan of Toronto in 1909[
Able Walker The walker was patented by Norm Rolston in 1986
Access Bar Patented food bar designed to help burn fat by Dr Larry Wang
Air-Conditioned Railway Coach Invented by Henry Ruttan in 1858
Abdominizer The infomercial exercise darling invented by Dennis Colonello in 1984
You guys should have just quit with the Abdominizer. I mean, what else does humankind need? :D
In case you didn't figure it out smart aleck they're listed in alphabetical order.:P

Y'all really should check out the link, the world would be screwed without Canadians.:D
In case you didn't figure it out smart aleck they're listed in alphabetical order.:P

Y'all really should check out the link, the world would be screwed without Canadians.:D

I can't imagine the world without five pin bowling. I get all emotional........:cry:excuse me:cry:.......... just thinking about it.:D Seriously, I did use some acetylene yesterday. From now on I will say a little "thank you Canada" and gaze lovingly northward everytime I cut some metal.:D
State of hockey phwahh, this is the country of hockey!!!!

And let's not get into who's produced worse musicians eh.8)