The Escapees

How valid the sighting is questionable. One person says they saw them. Could be a couple guys out planting weed that didn't want to be seen. I hope they do catch them soon.

It makes you wonder with all the high tech stuff and manpower at their disposal how hard it is to find them. This is the 3rd manhunt in my area I remember recently. None of them were quick.
I doubt very much they planned a "Grizzly Adams" style sojourn in the woods.
Like Butch says they're prolly holed up in a house preparing to go to Latin America or similar. Or they're in some shack in the woods planning what to do next.
Or they're already supping tequila.

Hey, Mick! Apparently you nailed it! The old shack in the woods trick, eh? (Homage to "Get Smart").

I myself probably the only treehouser here to have worked in the ny prison system and cut trees will chime in..... Y Is it that no one on the planet think they traveled the very short distance to canada... Just my to cents!!!!!!!

Refer to previous post number 14.
Ok, I just looked at Bing Maps for the first time with regard to this prison break. The recent evidence they discovered was just about due west of the prison. Zooming the map out reveals just how deforested most of both the US and Canada are. If the escapees attempted to go due north to Canada, it looks like they'd be trying to cross large areas that have very few trees to hide amongst at all. They would need maps to get to the next large area of forest, and it seems to me the scenario that others here have already laid out would come to pass. Namely, they would do a home invasion and try to hold the folks hostage until they figured out the next move. Then they'd probably kill them before moving on, if they thought there was a chance the folks would call the authorities.

Hopefully they find these guys before that happens.

Okay a bunch more stuff has hit the papers...I wonder if I am the closest TreeHouser to the Murderers ??? :O Main point we have been wondering is Help / No Help. Without help they are surviving amazingly. At this point if press is accurate , seems they do have help.
Search area like 20 miles ... Federal Agents involved now as well. Ride failed to show , panic attack when she realized they would not just kill her husband as planned. F'd up crazy story w killers on the loose ...
I think Alcatraz was the greatest prison break of all times.

Now having said that is there any truth behind the Shawshank break? The way it was portrayed in the movie? Anyone know for sure? Because if it were entirely true it would rank amongst one of the greatest also.

Then there was Devils Island. Supposedly impossible to fine a way out to freedom. Who could name the actors in that one?
I think Alcatraz was the greatest prison break of all times.

Now having said that is there any truth behind the Shawshank break? The way it was portrayed in the movie? Anyone know for sure? Because if it were entirely true it would rank amongst one of the greatest also.

Then there was Devils Island. Supposedly impossible to fine a way out to freedom. Who could name the actors in that one?

Is that Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman?
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You guys ever read the book "Papillion?" which the movie was based on?

It was cool, talked about the way the Steve Mcqueen character went deep into his mind for long stretches in solitary confinement in order to survive the ordeal.