The Escapees


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
Can't believe the NY prison break hasn't been discussed much here at the TH!

Fairly fascinating subject to me and apparently to most people. Well, its been 9 days. Seems to me they can't be surviving in the woods all this time. If they were dead on the ground somewhere, seems like their bodies would be discovered. Maybe they got rides of some sort and are far away, but apparently there are no stolen cars/car jackings which would point to such, and as we all know, their plan A ride fell thru the night of the escape, doesn't seem like they would have had a plan B to account for such a critical lapse of plan A.

And the escape itself- OK, they got power tools somehow, but how were they able to do all that cutting and grinding of various steel barriers without being detected? How'd they know where that steam pipe led to and where to cut their way out of it to gain access to the locked manhole cover? Lol, how pissed were they when they realized their ride was not showing up??

Crazy that this has gone on so long.
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I haven't read that, yet.

Life on the run could get old, quick, I imagine.
I bet they've comendered someone's house and are living there, plotting their next move.

It's what I'd do. :drink:
The excitement/personal achievement factor of a successful prison escape must be through the roof - I'd put it on the bucket list if it didn't involve the stress of being locked up in the first place.
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Now it is reported they used the power tools from contractors working at the prison- the prisoners would use the tools left lying around and then put them back after. Ingenious deception.
They had swarms of SWAT, Staties, Sheriffs, and a helicopter here (a 200 miles from the prison at least) last weekend. The leveled automatic weapons on a couple of kids that got their 4 wheelers stuck in the mud. I don't know if anything else prompted their being there. Seems over the top to me. Middle of the day. I talked to one of the kids. My bud had seen all the cops and wondered what was up. Cops need a brain transplant at least half the time.
I wagered with John over the weekend that the two are no longer traveling together, that they have gone their separate ways. What do you think?
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  • #12
Could well be. But overall, I figure they must be far away from the area. Maybe they hitched a ride that night from someone who either was sympathetic or they convinced them to be so, as it is reported one of the guys is a smooth con man who talks a good game. I can't see their still being in the area, far too much pressure there.
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  • #13
Now the po po is acknowledging that there may have been help from others beside the female prison worker, as they are nowhere to be found and leads are dwindling to nothing. She sounds like a real catch as she reportedly had sex with one or both of them in prison. And it sounds like heads will role in the prison leadership for the general lax attitude that contributed to the escape success.
They had swarms of SWAT, Staties, Sheriffs, and a helicopter here (a 200 miles from the prison at least) last weekend. The leveled automatic weapons on a couple of kids that got their 4 wheelers stuck in the mud. I don't know if anything else prompted their being there. Seems over the top to me. Middle of the day. I talked to one of the kids. My bud had seen all the cops and wondered what was up. Cops need a brain transplant at least half the time.

I think one or both of the escapees are from your area, originally. It makes sense that the police would come looking for them there, just in case they were stupid enough to try to make contact with old acquaintances, or relatives, looking for additional support.

I saw a short newspaper article in which the son of the older convict said that his father had a genius IQ. He has escaped at least one other time from another prison, I think.

I also saw an interview with a local owner of a metal fabrication company that does work at the prison. He said that his own guys could not have made a cleaner hole in that pipe than the convicts did. He seemed kind of puzzled as to how they did it, in spite of being an engineer who deals with this kind of work for a living.

The older guy is a stone cold killer, a sociopath, is my impression.

I think this prison isn't much more than a marathon's running distance from Canada. I don't know what kind of arrangements the Canadian government has with the US in situations like this, but I'd bet that they would turn them over if caught. What they might not do, however, is launch a really long and expensive search to find these guys.

If the escapees planned things to this degree already, it would not surprise me to find out that they've been studying all about how to survive out in the wilderness. There is a huge amount of woodland in Canada, it seems to me. It might not be too hard to get lost and stay lost out there. They picked a time of year that basically maximizes the amount of time that they have before cold weather sets in and threatens to kill them. If they can get practice at survival skills during the warmer months, they might get good enough to survive the colder months.

The questions that were posed about how they knew where cut and so on, could be answered by the same method that they got the tools. If guys doing construction or repair of building systems left blueprints laying around while they did their work, a smart guy who was quick might be able to acquire those answers in short order.

I know these prisoners were probably not in the best physical condition, but marathon runners can cover 26.2 miles in just a few hours, if they are world class. The average person trying it just to finish it could probably do it in five or six hours of running. Walking at a pace of a 20 minute mile, would take less than nine hours.

Ok, an article I just read said that this prison is just over 30 kilometers south of the Canadian border, which my calculator tells me is 18.64 miles. At a 20 minute pace, it would take less than 6&1/2 hours to walk that.

I'm assuming that they would run into a body of water that they'd need to cross, but I haven't checked out maps to know that for sure.

Anyway, that is my theory as to where they went. I think they'd rather risk hardship and possible death in the wilderness, than to die behind the walls of a prison. The fact that they did this much planning tells me that they are not stupid enough to try to make a go of it here in the states, where so many people would want them caught.

I can see the logic for looking for them here. The amount of force they used seemed over the top. They are still feeling like they were made fools of by an escapee that made them look really stupid-"Bucky Phillips" He led them on a wild goose chase for a month or two. Helicopters, infra red, night vision, dogs, Bucky made them all look like grade schoolers.

Leveling automatic weapons on a couple school boys before they ask any questions should leave them with a life long bad taste for cops. They were stuck in mud. Pretty much not going anywhere.
I doubt very much they planned a "Grizzly Adams" style sojourn in the woods.
Like Butch says they're prolly holed up in a house preparing to go to Latin America or similar. Or they're in some shack in the woods planning what to do next.
Or they're already supping tequila.
One of them tortured and then killed his boss. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them eliminated the other to advance their escape.
I myself probably the only treehouser here to have worked in the ny prison system and cut trees will chime in..... Y Is it that no one on the planet think they traveled the very short distance to canada... Just my to cents!!!!!!!
Seeing how well done the escape was planned and executed I would think they would have a plan b and a plan c in place. I would have to think they got a ride out of town or the dogs should have been on their trail. Imagine how much money is going to be spent on this fiasco.
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  • #24
Reports were $1 mil/day being spent so far. A plan b and c would be nice but you figure they would be rather limited in their resources and network so having only a plan a would be understandable. But it is starting to look like they did have another plan and are long gone at this point. Crazy story.
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  • #25
If they were in Canada, would that do them any good? Any easier to hide there than in NY?