Teens and Pot

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Depression, teens and marijuana are a dangerous mix that can lead to dependency, mental illness or suicidal thoughts, according to a White House report being released Friday.
A teen who has been depressed at some point in the past year is more than twice as likely to have used marijuana as teens who have not reported being depressed — 25% compared with 12%, said the report by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Correlation does not equal causation.
"I've seen many, many kids' lives negatively impacted and taken off track because of marijuana," said Elizabeth Stanley-Salazar.

Absolutely, it's a drug problem and is in no way a reflection or consequence of the decisions the indivual took.

Blame drugs, not the children! Who want's personal responsiblity anyways?
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  • #7
Denial! It ain't just a river in Egypt! haha :D
Denial! It ain't just a river in Egypt! haha :D

Drug (and/or alcohol) abuse isn't the root of the problem, but rather a symptom. Attempting to control the symptom will not cure the problem. Just like drinking cough syrup will not cure a cold.
Marijuana, like booze, should not be enjoyed until the legal age. Kids should not drink, or smoke.

It's simple.
Drug (and/or alcohol) abuse isn't the root of the problem, but rather a symptom. Attempting to control the symptom will not cure the problem. Just like drinking cough syrup will not cure a cold.[/QUOTE

Absolutely, blaming the drug for the behavoir of people is like blaming weapons for violent crime.
Hell I smoked pot as a teenager and drank. And I had a grand ole time the whole way through. Depression is a state of mind that I'm not interested in.
Why does that first study not tell the total number of case studies?

You have to take these 'studies' with a grain of salt. All too often the test group is very small and does not represent the entire population
Hell I smoked pot as a teenager and drank. And I had a grand ole time the whole way through. Depression is a state of mind that I'm not interested in.

I did plenty of drinking as a teenager but no pot smoking, and I seem to have to survived OK. I wonder if the increased strength of the pot today as opposed to 30 years ago has something to do with this.
Hell 30 years ago I was three, I wasn't toking then!

People use it as an enabler/excuse. The real problem lies within. Our bleeding heart societies focus on the negative and feeling sorry for ourselves so much it's no wonder people get depressed. I gots no time for it.
In my parenting class there is a chart where you look at what type of parents a person had based their level of affection and permissiveness and you can fairly accurately predict what drug they have indulged in.

What I will tell my daughter about drugs and alcohol is that a persons personality evolves over the years and that their is a "you" that you are becoming. If you do a lot of drugs and alcohol or maybe just a little, you may never find out who you were supposed to be. I have noticed personality changes in friends from moderate use of drugs and alcohol.
Shoot you shoulda been at the party I was at last night. All kinds of personality changes took place.

Lol I bet your chart in the parenting class doesn't take into account geographical location. When I hit highschool and we Lumby kids mixed in with all the Cherryville kids it was everywhere.
Its not worth arguing really. People who partake are unlikely to admit any downside to the habit.
OK. I say extensive marijuana use and or drinking does change people. Pot smoking is relatively benign compared to a lot of drugs but I believe it does permanently alter people.
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  • #25
OK. I say extensive marijuana use and or drinking does change people. Pot smoking is relatively benign compared to a lot of drugs but I believe it does permanently alter people.

From personal experience and observation of others, I agree.