The throat opening is not the effective capacity.
Mine is 9x16". Likes to chip 6-7".
5" all day.
Never tried to put in a max diameter.
I run it at 40-50% speed for hand feeding. 80-90% when stuffing it with the mini loader.
318 cubic inch, v8 powered.
Bigger limbs clear the smaller bits left on the tray. Some people try to get every bit fed, for some reason.
Green limbs help carry dead limbs more easily. I've definitely copied only dead. Sometimes, tip first feeding of dead limbs is easier.
I fed from the rear sometimes, I always teach people to fed from the side.
Keep it sharp.
Considerably lighter for its power and capacity than a hydraulic feed chipper.
Shape and species is very market- specific. A lot of my trees are somewhat straight. Neglected fruit trees' materisl is the hardest of my material to feed. Doug- fir, maple, alder, other conifers, etc are ready to feed.
Tray height is higher than a disc chipper... raise the tongue. I have a 5 place Gen-Y tall raise-hitch receiver, with raise-slug that I can use at jobsites, while using a low slot on the receiver for towing. Full strength upward and downward.