"so....hows bizness"

You bet. I feel bad charging that but I was actually the low bidder on two of them. They all have been floppers, but two of them where hand carry outs, except when you have a mini. Flop it make two piles and the groundie rakes in between piles being moved. Blow the walkway off and be gone.

My fastest one was a drop across a road beside a high voltage line. 22 minutes. Roll up to roll out. I did fell bad that time. Oh well we are supposed to make money, right.
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Hell yah, I wouldn't waste no time feeling bad. A deal is a deal and certainly it'll go the other way sooner or later.

I can't beleive people work without mini's. No way I would.
I really wish I would have went the mini route the first time I bought equipment. I agree a deal is a deal. And I have had a few of those go backwards from not paying attention when I was bidding. It only takes once to burn that on your brain.
Busier than a one legged man.... Well you know how it goes.. Just low hourly jobs is all though :P
Brush, brush and more brush... with some weed eating ... Fire safety cutting is on till September now. Then I am going on Vacation!
ha, I did three jobs today, the second one I spent about 20 minutes taking suckers off a couple older weeping cherries, was thinking to myself after the dump (free as I was under the minimum weight) that I was going to take the bill down to $50 from the bid price but then I got a call from the client and she said she had just gotten home and thought the little trees looked great and that she thought I did a nice job. okee dokee then, no discount needed. :D
spotty here, its that time of year, if you dont see it within a day or two its gone,
hoping the new ad campaign will keep us busy,
had a 2 day emergency which makes up for having only 1/2 a weeks work left
Business should not be this good. I just turned two clients away. Well I referred them to someone. My referrals usually come back for other things. But with the economy the way it is, I should not be this busy. Rob had an interesting perspective on it. We are getting most of this business (all referral BTW) because they (smart money) have to be smart with their money. They can't take any chances on what they spend, so they spend with whom they know will give them dependable, quality service and get the job done right. Good business plan helped get these people. But all said and done, I think he is right.
I've scored a half dozen good jobs in the last 2 days. All of a sudden everyone called at the same time. To much at once, but I'm not complaining.
PRetty slow here, I have a job on Monday and a couple of other little deals. I have a bid tomorrow AM.
Busy, busy, busy. All the money is spoken for though to pay off taxes and winter debt.
Taxes!? You make to much money if you have to pay taxes at the end of the year!
no chit....
i wanna just stop paying
until the bailouts are done
just consider me not paying, a self bail out

ha..to scared to do it , wishful thinking
Rob got flagged for audit this year on a pretty standard return. The government is about broke. They will be looking under rocks now for money. I am paying. Think I will shelter some of it next year ;)
We're booked for awhile here and I can't see it slowing down anytime soon.

Also got a call today from a climber we've known for a long time and is very well trained. He's looking for a job and our climber is on the edge of being fired, so we'll see what happens. Hopefully we can pull him in, as he's very experienced and hopefully with him we can get into more technical areas of rigging and, (crossed fingers), CRANE REMOVALS!!!
I just can't believe the amount of work that is coming in... Anyone tell these people we are in a recession/contraction/depression?:?
Can't look a gift horse in the mouth though :D