How'd it go today?

Whew just spent three days on the foreground, two fires started by lightening strikes.
The first one 60 kms away in the bush, Rocky steep, trees and logs...then just when we got that one dealt with, an hr later the pager went off again for a grass fire 10 mins away...hooleee shitshow...big.
Barley crop saved by water bombing helicopters, and then ground work by trucks and crews. Gorse, waist high dry grass, dead trees and logs, boulders hidden in the grass, it was touch and go for a while, then even yesterday with the wind changes. Crews are still out there today mopping up.
Very, I was one of the first trucks to get there, the fire was in the gorse...epic. Luckily the gorse was patchy but wow the fire took a run through the grass.
Happy new year fellow Housers.

Having a quiet one with the mail order bride.
Cheese fondue and a bottle of Bollinger Champagne followed by a traditional Danish almond cake.

In an hour it'll be midnight and the fireworks will start.
It is like WW3.
Scares the crap out of the livestock.
So we'll take the dogs and go sit in the stable with the horses till it is over.
I have plenty of little doggie and horsie tidbits to keep everybody calm.

The Champagne was a gift from an old customer.
He came by with a bottle for Richard and me each.
I thought that was awfully nice of him.

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Two cheeses; Gruyere and Vacherin. Different regions of Schweiz use different cheeses for it, this is the Mittelland version.
Also white wine, garlic and a glass of Kirsch stirred in just before serving.

We dip bread chunks and little steamed potatoes in it.

My absolute favourite dish.

Margot's oldest son came up for a few days last week with his daughter and since he knows I love it, he brought the cheeses.:)
Looks and sounds wonderful, Stig, ... well except for the WW3 part. Have a happy new year!
Looks good!
I'm on forced overtime til 7am.
Everyone brought in something to share w the shift, so we got a nice spread of cheese, deli meat sandwiches, shrimp cocktail, pizza, wings, bunch of dips, and desserts. The buffalo chicken wing dip is killer.
Mmmm fondue! My brother makes a killer one, Kirsch and all...and like asterix and obelix, if you drop your toast there is a penalty...usually alcoholic :lol:

Happy New year...back on the fireground tomorrow