How'd it go today?

Sound advise. Reminds me of professional athletes. The truely god gifted ones are as humble as can be, rarely will you here one talk about how great they are.

Most of the very successful business people I know are just common folk. Getting a big head about tree work will lead to a quick demise. At least that's my take on it.
Good stuff, Chris. Between him and your uncle, you've had some seriously high level teachers!!!!

Drove a couple hours to pick with friends who were hosting a jam session last night and had a blast playing & singing.

Woke up to power being out for a couple hours this morning. First time in several years since they re-did out sub-station. Glad it's not cold out...
A little stiff today from playing week end warrior Paul Bunyan but this too will pass .Today would be a fine day to change to my winter tires on the Ranger .Floor jack and impact wrench,20 minute job all four .
Pruned a nice english walnut I took over about 2 years ago, and a plum that had been let go for quite a while. The plum was storm damaged last year and had some serious thinning and damage to cut out as needed. Just a nice day over all for a Monday.
Not much .Changed my 4 tires ,put away some more stuff .Unloaded the cherry from yesterday and stripped the poison ivy off it .

Why in the 'ell does poison ivy always grow up cherry trees ?
We have none of the climbing PI out here, only little ground hugging plants about 8" tall. Very different from the solid PI and ground cover of Southern Illinois.
Oh say I did buy a hepa air purifier today .I'm tellin you though most of those people at Lowes are worth about as much as they pay them .I find all the praticulars about the product on line says it's in stock and then get the round around after I get there .

Ya know I really do try to buy stuff locally .Keeps the money in the community and I love to pay taxes but sometimes it really gets on my nerves.Mumble grumble .
pruned a good sized monterey cypress. full of deadwood and passion vine all the way to the top. took 5 guys all day, including some monday clusterf**k truck shuffling.
lets just say that i would have preferred ivy! passion vine is STRONG. yah, never pruned except some stubbed off lower stuff. tree was at the back of the back yard, huffing armloads of dead stuff through a narrow side yard really slows things down.
We got grape vines too about like a Tarzan movie in places .They don't really hurt anything except snag vehical moving through the woods .The damned things are strong as a nylon rope .

So here they are ,send a vine clear to the top of a 90 foot hickory tree and give birth to grapes about the size of a pea .All leaves ,teeny grapes and a vine 2 1/2" thick at the ground .