How'd it go today?

The trailer for my SpiderLift uses 2" angle for the cross pieces under expanded metal and it's not nearly strong enough. I need to add some channel to keep it from sagging in the middle. :X
I'm wondering how vinegar works on concrete burns. They are now about the size of my hands. They hurt!
Do be carefull when working with concrete .You can get seriously ill from the effects of wet concrete in contact with skin .

I see these young guys in summer pouring sidewaks wearing shorts and think how dumb is that .You never see the old timers doing that . Fact is you never see the old timers working in short pants period .Those things are for relaxing under a shade tree after the work is done .
Topped four BIG pecans with a crane, four different set-ups and then killed a dying elm. It was a long, HOT day.

But I can dig it, and I was glad for the work. :drink:

Tomorrow I'll be taking off for a routine VA physical and blood work. For once, I can't wait to see the results of my blood work, especially after losing forty pounds. I'm hoping he'll take me off my cholesterol, diuretic, and heart meds - sweet!
Best wishes for you on that, Butch. Taking lots of medications sucks, and over long term they can't be good for you. There's always side effects.
Hoping you get good results at the VA boss. :)

I put in a lawn today with a couple workers helping. :)
BORING but, $$. I'll take it.


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Good luck Butch. My buddy is a concrete guy and he wears rubber gloves and knee pads.
I did a oleander clean up today. A customer with some highway frontage had a big raised up pickup come barreling through and tear up a few cal trans oleanders and his fence. I got the oleanders out of the way for the fence guy. I did a couple of bids and got a replacement battery for my camera at radio shack.
I'm wondering how vinegar works on concrete burns. They are now about the size of my hands. They hurt!

Andy you need to soak in water. Get in the tub with cool water and soak for an hour at least keep the water running. The burn is going deeper the longer you wait. It is just like a caustic burn (Sodium Hydroxide). Be careful using vinegar or any low Ph material for that matter. Concrete has a high Ph, like 13 on a scale of 1 to 14. A low Ph added to a high Ph can react and create a lot of heat. After soaking you might try vinegar but try it on a small area first, sparingly, at first. If it keeps getting worse GO TO THE DOCTOR it can turn into 2nd or 3rd degree burns. Always wash a chemical burn with lots of water.

Andy's problem was compounded from pressure being applied to his knees with wet concrete contacting his skin, probably from kneeling to finish the concrete. Take care Andy don't let it get out of hand.
Nice lawn work Paul...

I agree with the idea of being able to up and down it easier in the tree with the raptor...... Heck, just coming down for lunch would be nice... I know I would have come down a few times in the past just cause the crew needed some extra hands... Or me some shade and a break:|:

Got in the mid 90s here today and we did a good sized job.... Crossing off the days to a mistletoe job next week... Think I might play with my schedule a bit so I get a day of rest right before it... Multiple black oaks I get to do one day per month at a time... I think my hip is a bit out from working on so many slopes last couple of weeks... That and some boulders... Tylenol time!:|:
Andy, In the future as soon as you get a chance. Wash the concrete off with soap and water follow up with a dilute maybe 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. Concrete is an alkali, the vinegar will help neutralize this. The sooner you neutralize the concrete the better. If I was doing concrete work I would keep some in the truck,
Burn: Sod Lifter, although it doesnt come out in pretty little strips like the picture shows, it is a good tool.


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I prefer a D handle spade to be honest. I use a single cut mill bastard to get an edge on it. ;)

fixin up some nachos at the moment, Deadliest Catch is on in an hour, I need to be fed and watered to be able to stand the strain! :D
Nice work Paul!!
Best of luck getting off the meds Butch! (I know how much they can suck!)

I was wearing jeans, rinsed them off three times today while pouring, but could feel the burn!
I took the wall, the hardest part, trying to help out as much as I could. We poured along a garage, sring a chalk line and snap it. But it doesn't always go that well! The siding stuck out two inches and the poor guy running the 'barrow was getting overloaded by the driver! Every time he would try and dump it would wave back four feet so I had to dive in and re-skreed it! With my back as it is, I don't well with bending over, so I was on hands and knees all during this, maybe an hour?
As soon as I got home I took a LONG shower with warm, then slowly cooler water. Probably twenty min?
We called a "nurse" and she suggested diaper rash cream, it burned like hell! I called my doc. but nobody was there:roll: They are supposed to call me back in the am. I called my mom, she called four nurses she knows, they all suggested Aloe, I put that on and it burnt like hell!! One nurse even came and looked, she said it was borderline. If it blisters up, I need to go NOW, if not, Aloe every two hours. I'm not sure what has changed, I've never had this before, NEVER!
I'll see what the doc. says in the am. I need to go early and help mom and dad weedeat inside the lagoon for the church first. I hope to get there around am and have it done before they even show. Then do NOTHING the rest of the day:D