How'd it go today?

I'm sitting here at an ATM in Franklin, with a 3 way conference calls with software engineers. It's seems today's remote updates didn't go so well... :lol: O/T is O/T...even if your boss calls you with your pants down( I was getting ready for bed).
She had a miscarriage early in the summer, I hope this one is for real.

Scary! For what its worth, when I went through it, I was AMAZED at how many women had a single miscarriage and then no problems at all later. Good luck today!

(more babies in the
There is this young lady at work that had several miscarriages .Bless her heart ,I relly felt her pain .Low and behold she finally was able to carry full term and has two beautifull children . When I say beautifull they take after their momma and she rates 20 on a ten scale ,stunning woman .:)
My wife with a green thumb had a jungle of plants on fern stands in front of a big southerly exposed window .Well,they get knocked over ,are a job to move around and it was just a general pain in the behind to take care of .

Kind benevolant old Al made a two piece stand ,12 feet long ,two feet wide to correct the problem,worked well .Now it looks like a small greenhouse .
I finally got my new Petzl Sequoia from Bailey's this afternoon.
Bad timing, since I'm going in for knee surgery tomorrow.
That'll put me off climbing for some weeks.
Just managed to play around in a tree in the Sequoia for ½ hr. before sunset, feels really comfortable.
I think I'll hang it from a nail in the house, then I can look at it while doing my leg excercises.
I couldn't handle that shit.

It wears you down Butch!!!

Last week I got called at 4:30, went back in, couldn't fix the saw, home at six. Got called again at 10 about the same problem. Explained that I had been in and was aware of the problem and parts were on the way. Got another call at 1am, same thing, again.
This was after an eight hour day, then back in at 6am!
Took out a 40" laurel oak today at a mobile home park using the 35 ton crane. The tree was sandwiched between two tin houses and had some serious decay on the main leads. Sorry, no pics. I was in a hurry to get in and out. The manager took some pics and is supposed to e-mail them to me. Pretty straight-forward job, about 3 hours start to finish, and the loader showed up right on time to take away the big stuff. I was back home in time for lunch and an afternoon nap. :)
Today was good got paid for large job we were working on, checks in the mailbox when I got home. Only bad thing that happened was I drove the bobcat off a driveway to pick up some logs and cracked a sprinkler line. Temperary flood in natural area. No worries. Worst part was homeowner was gone till about 3. And I didn't have cell numbers for them.

Dang pipe was about 3.5 inches underground and had been fixed twice before. Anywho fixed and reburied, 3.5 inches deep.

Twins are cool.
Anywho fixed and reburied, 3.5 inches deep.

That cracks me up !!!

TreeHouse TWINS >>> How cool is that ?!? Congrats, OTG !

My truck is fixed : Upper & lower ball joints, helluva job. I owe my guy & his best buddy for the repair ...big time ! We're going to install a brick paver walkway in trade for it, and it'll feel good to return the favor.
It sucked having to fake it through this week with a mini van. OMG. It's trashed & still has a b'zillion spiders in it. I'll swamp it out this weekend.
Bug bomb!!!
Yeah, you've mentioned that. But I keep thinking, it's enough pesticide to cover 800 sq. feet & my van is more like 8 ???
Somebody suggested odorless moth balls might drive them suckers out ? I think a good scrubbing ought to do it, but it didn't make sense to try 'til I was done using it ghetto style.
You're just all hep to use anything with the word "bomb" attached. Such a guy thing. LOL
We took down a camphur tree in a really tight spot today. Guy dropped a piece and broke the siding on the house. House is supposed to have belonged to George Lucas's grandmother. Then got called by a neighbor who is an archihitect for a local builder and they are doing an addition and wanted an additional tree out quick because the foundation is suppposed to be dug on Monday. Took out a privet tree there that was growing right into the fence. I was really tired after all that.