How'd it go today?

Got home today and made grass shorter. It's kind of a grey area in my "don't do stupid shit on weekends" policy. The weekend officially starts when I get home from work on Friday, but technically speaking, it doesn't start til Saturday. The deciding factor was it was a little long, but more importantly, this was the coolest day in sight. It's only gonna be getting hotter, and temperatures ≤ to today don't showup as of the end of next week.

Stupid oil cap came off again mowing under a bush. Oil and smoke everywhere. Happens to the gas cap too. I need to make a cover or retainer to prevent that from happening.
Pinging @FireFighterZero

I'm looking at copper rivets on amazon, and I'm getting hung up on sizes. What would be a good general purpose rivet for leatherwork, and various constructions/repairs of various materials? I'm leaning towards #12(.137" or 3.48mm), but I don't have a good grasp of sizes without physically holding it and judging by eye.
We survived the boss being on vacation. Only two less employees than a week ago.
The wife and kids are out at a birthday party for someone I don’t know leaving me here alone to suffer through the peacefulness of a really nice rain. I’m just sitting on the front porch and relaxing in the coolness of it. Thinking about taking a nap.
stop with all your bragging
I did a lot of copper riveting in the 60s and 70s. Leather and tin. All finished and drawn-up tight with a ball peen hammer. Just as good as stitching or welding and as pretty if done with a little thought to detail.
I had to recently repair a belt, but I ran out of the cap & post rivets I usually use. I had some copper rivets, so I used them. I like them better. They're more difficult to set, especially without a setting tool(will buy when I figure out which rivets I'll get), but they look nicer, and give a better mechanical bond.
Dead wooded 7 smallish sticky pines today That were mixed in some red bud and toyon.
Used my taller orchard ladder to get above the understory. They all had goofy leans. Did 4 from one basal tie and a couple natural redirects, then ascended the last three after I threw a line in them from an adjacent tree. All SRT. Done just after lunch. Yeah Friday.
It's slowly cooling down here, and I'm feeling my energy slowly rise, but i had just kinda had it for the week lol. My job yesterday wasn't by itself hard, just demo some oil tubing, but then i had to spend half the day on my hands and knees trying to wipe up oil so that kinda just burned me out :lol: Obviously since I'm just an employee i don't get to pick my hours, I'm just thankful that we're not doing the overtime, last year i was pulling 50 to 60 a week plus cutting trees often enough.
One or two for sure.

Its hard to have puppies together. They fugg off a lot! But is has become more and more apparent that you need to keep dogs coming along all the time.

Cant do that with out having some pups around.

We got another young dog the other day. She is a Akbash, Mastiff, and Pyrenees.

She is about 5 months. Her name is Daisy.
Do you notice many... umm... not sure how to phrase it, but "inbred" traits with your various dogs? IOW, do dogs with high proportions of Pyrenees behave drastically different than another dog that favors Anatolian?
Finally moved my apple slabs to the house. I lashed them to my T&C RadioFlyer wagon, and brought them around front. I kinda forgot I had that thing, but it's pretty handy for a toy. Found these guys under one of the slabs...

They slithered off when I picked it up. I like seeing them around.
What kind of snakes are those?

Yes...there are specific breed traits that come through.

The Pyrenees is supposed to stay with the sheep...where the Anatolian is more of a perimeter dog.

It will be interesting to see how these pups turn out.

Should be fine. What you don't want is a herding dog to mate with a guard dog.

They are cross wired and usually end up being put down.
They're garter snakes. There's others around, but usually if you see a snake it'll be a garter or a black snake.
Did some bids this morning, then came home for lunch and my lovely wife made me a Taylor ham, egg, and cheese sammich on a hard roll! (Memories of my early years in NJ)
Changed the oil & filter in my youngest daughter's car while she cleans out her room. She moved out recently. Almost empty nesters now; just our youngest son at home.