How'd it go today?

Went to the building in the city today. The job started out as us working for an engineer to monitor the neighboring building to make sure it doesn't move, cause the wall already had a bow in it. The contractor gave us the additional job of setting up control for their surveyor. Anyway, the neighboring building's collapsing. It's dropped about 1" vertically, and it's moved both back and forth horizontally, ~1".

Apparently the shoring piles aren't holding up. The project engineer(not the guy we're working for) specced them to be filled with #57 stone after being augered and set. Probably should have gone with concrete. Not sure how that's gonna be rectified. Both buildings have the same owner, but the sinking one's inhabited by apartment dwellers.

Otherwise, it was an ordinary day, but my back's *really* close to sketching out. Boss had me help him move roof trusses yesterday, and that didn't help at all.
I got an email from Fire Cider. I'm on their mailing list I guess. Got it a couple days ago, but I keep re reading it cause it's so stupid...

Your love of Fire Cider is so inspiring!

Really?! Inspiring huh? I'm some kind of guru now? How do you know I love it? I guess it's implied since I bought a gallon, but you're presuming a lot.

We know how much you love your daily shot,
Again, how do you know I love it? I might drink it cause I'm a masochist. Maybe I'm using it to kill ants. I never said...

and we want more people to hop on the wagon and take their wellness into their own hands.

Wellness? Has this statement been evaluated by the FDA?

We'd love it if you would share a video testimonial to help us inspire more folks to be just like you!

Ah, I see! You want me to shill for you, and you think I'm stupid enough to do it with a little vacuous flattery.

Plus, we'll give you 15% off your next order with us for submitting the video.

If the vacuous flattery doesn't work, how bout a few shekles? Sure! I'd *love* to produce, act, and edit a commercial for you for ~$10!

... :^S
Our large church job started out with a huge addition on three guys brushing the property and us having to make the brush go away. Of course, most of the material was not something we would normally chip. They have an area they burn in, so that helped. Then Ty by his own volition, showed up with his dingo 525 yesterday. A dingo party is a site to behold. So all my prunings and entire parking lot of material went away for family night.
Better day than expected. Back's been sore, and I just wasn't in the mood today. Thought I was gonna have to layout a shitton of piles, and I expected the hole to be full of water cause of all the rain yesterday. It stayed pretty dry. Just a bit of mud. This is what I thought I had to do...


Turned out I only had to do six of them. They were only ~30% dug out, and just wanted the outer bounds of it, and they'll pull between them themselves. I'll have to layout more later, but that'll be a bit. Also marked grades on some beamseat forms, and some end posts. Not hard, but not fun either. Shoot four corners of a pad to get cuts, then crouch down on top of the rebar to mark them.

They also wanted me to check the temporary ramp they put in. The state's been bitching cause trucks are getting off the pavement on the radius. Looks like they got it pretty close to where I laid it out, and I'm pretty sure it's what the plans called for. They didn't have much on the plans(it was a redline), so I scaled the radius. Might not be exactly what they wanted, but it's close. Any error I made wouldn't account for the tight turn.

Anyway, the day wasn't a huge bag of suck as I anticipated, so I guess it was a win.
Rain broke for a bit and the LED llights for the church parking area came in. Took the lift over, met with the elder and started installing. 220 volts. I ask. " you shut the power off? Right?".
"Yes" says he. Bzzzzzzzzt says the wires as we open the light up. Ummmm nope.
So, he shuts off the juice, I disconnect the pole at the service access just to be sure.
Then it starts raining again. Got my gear on and got 4 out of 6 installed. Tested and buttoned up.
Instructions said, not to be done in the rain.
Ill finish the last two Monday after more crown raising.
I went to treestuff a month or so ago, and they had a popup that said 'guess the tree height'. Get the closest, and you win a $250 gift certificate. It was just a ploy to harvest email addresses, but they already have mine, so I don't care. It all disappeared! I don't even care about the stupid gift certificate. I want to know how tall the damned tree was! Ruined my weekend when I couldn't track it down :^D
On a side note, what's the "official" way to calculate tree height? Is it to the highest green thing, the highest woody thing, the highest significant(defined as?) branch... ?
Where's top though? Is it the absolute highest thing you can see, even if it's just one leaf sticking up? Might seem excessively pedantic, but I'm thinking of cases where you might be gauging a record tree, or something out of the ordinary.

I got a tree height samples years ago using a brunton pocket transit on a tripod. It was for a dust survey on quarry property. Using that made the job very easy, as opposed to dragging all the heavy gear around rugged terrain. I've lost that one for the time being, but have replaced it with a very cheap plastic Chinese copy. Junk in comparison, but worth the ~$20 I paid, and has already been useful.