Damn, talk a bout a hot running saw!


Feb 26, 2012
Eastern PA
Was notching a large dead oak today, to rotten to climb,(even for me) but it was not water logged at all. in fact it was so dry that my muffler caught the stump on fire. anyone else ever have this happen to them?
Yes, my 288 has an aftermarket muffler with a big single port on the front corner that just loves to burn wood. Never flames, but smoldering embers.
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It was the last tree on that job too, everything was cleaned up, I was just dropping this tree and leaving. glad I noticed 'cause this guys yard was a tinder box. that would be a hell of an accident to put on my record!, hey, sorry I burned your house down!
It's happened here too with a stock saw. Gotta be careful that the smoldering piece doesn't set the rest of the load on fire, that's happened here too, about 10 years ago.
I had a Husky 281 set a trunk on fire back in 1989. It was a "company" saw I had borrowed for bucking up a big rotten oak trunk. Sparks from the muffler got in the soft junk and off it went.
I set fire to a dead oak that I had to douse with water once. I think it was my 385 still had the spark screen at that time.
Done that as well... Why we will weed whack around trees in summer... Not just the drag factor of velcro trying to get the brush out... The lichen or moss catches pretty easy, setting fire to the dead tree, etc. Have to be careful. Another good reason while we will fell them from about waist level and ALAP the stump last instead of a low stump like Stig's
Same, here, set loads of stuff on fire witha saw. Dead and punky willow seems to be a favourite. I remember once a smouldering piece that I poured a bucket of water on to extinguish, Before loading it on the grab truck. The trouble was, the 50mph wind as we drove down the highway fanned it and got it blazing nicely... after the 10th car flashed an waved at me furiously, I stopped and had to climb on the back with a fire extinguisher :D
Back when I ran CAT saws, I had to watch out.
Those mufflers got red hot and stayed hot long after the saw was shut off.
That's kind of what I thought he meant but I didn't know they stopped that. I learned something today.
We still have one 260 with a CAT on it.
Runs better than stock, actually, but is also a bit louder.

When you run a Cat saw on alkylate fuel, it has no smell at all.
I've had a couple of 260s and 2 or 3 460s with CAT.

I used to be really bothered by exhaust, to the point of getting bronchial problems, when cutting dense stands in the summer.
That was why I switched to alkylate and CAT saws.

Then I found out that the problem was my body not being good at absorbing vitamin A.
Since then I've been taking as large as possible dosis of vit A and have no more problems.
Cured my cronic all winter sinus problems, too:)