Christmas Stuff and Ultimate Fighting.

I think we've agreed to disagree in the past on the merits of television. Myself it's not my thing. I probably watch an hr or two a week. Tops. But I love me some interwebs.
Me, too.
TV I can do without.
Haven't had one since my x-wife moved out and took the one she had bought with her.

I pretty much feel it rots your brain.
If the TV is on, I'll watch it. It doesn't seem to matter what is one, I get sucked in. We also do the netflix thing, and do not have cable channels, and the TV is in a back room.

I sometimes grab the remote when visiting a friend's house to turn their tv off because I cannot carry on a conversation if the tv is on. When we go out to eat my wife will scan the room before sitting at our table to be sure I am not facing a tv.