Check it out, MasterBlaster! TreeHouse Swag!!!

It got here and I wore it all day!! The T arrived earlier in the week..finally got to wear it today. Spent first part of the day helping prep the aerial rescue tree for the GA TCC which is next Saturday.

The shirt raised quite a few a good way. It is very nice quality..has a long tail which helps it stay tucked in...soft comfortable fabric.

When I got back from the TCC prep, Lindsay (wife) and I took a 2 hour hike through the local state park...bushwhacked a lot of it.

Found some old homesteads with hand dug wells (probably 40-50 feet deep), a half acre of woods "eat up" with wisteria and muscadine vines...some of the wisteria vines are at least 6 inches in diameter...a very interesting area.

I'll take a camera next time.'s the T.
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  • #28
So the tees are good quality? Awesome! I was worried they might be cheap POS, but I guess with everything having a 30 day money back guarantee they can't be too bad.

Glad you're happy, Gary! :beer:

Wait! How did that magnet thingy come out? Was the image clear? I sorta used a inferior image, I haven't been able to get the original from my tee shirt place.
So whats in it for the first one to post a pic of a hottie in a TH thong?:D
I'm with Gary. I would definitly pick up a few. Need some new ones for my hard hat anyway. Most of the ones on there now are pretty faded and beat up.
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  • #43
So nobody likes any of this stuff? I was trying it in lieu of doing it myself, which takes a bit of an investment to get them. I AM gonna make another run of the same original design, but with a different color combo.

The cup looks good, Gary!
So nobody likes any of this stuff? I was trying it in lieu of doing it myself, which takes a bit of an investment to get them. I AM gonna make another run of the same original design, but with a different color combo.

The cup looks good, Gary!

Count me in for 2 larges and one extra large!
No, I don't like the TreehouseSwag for T shirts.

I would rather buy them from you, they seem to have more meaning if they come from you direct.

More like the real thing.
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  • #46
Not really. It's the cool pic that matters. Just 'cuz I packaged it and mailed it don't mean nutting! These guys do all the dirty work for me!
No its like getting a CAT T shirt from the dealer vs. a CAT T shirt from Wal Mart. Just aint the same thing.