cheap bar oil


Sep 6, 2006
central Florida
I'm not sure how much the saw shops are charging these days, but bar oil is still only $5.17 per gallon at Wally World. I don't care what color the bottle is or what the name is on the label, it's got the sticky stuff in it to keep it from flinging off the bar. If you're still paying top dollar for Stihl brand bar oil, you're throwing your money away. I just stocked up on another 8 gallons and that should hold me over for a couple months.
You're both silly. I buy only Stihl bar oil, and I buy the limited edition variety. It's bottled at a native oil spring in Belgium. It's laced with gold flake and pixie tears. It works great, and is only $25 a gallon. I hope you guys enjoy wrecking your saws!
4.99 a gallon at the local fleet farm a couple weeks ago. I cleaned off there shelf of that stuff. 10.95 a gallon at the local saw shop for stihl bar oil.
Some time last year Stihl branded oil was about the same as TSC stuff . I've used both along with about every other brand .They all work .
They all work, its what you like to run and what you like to pay. if you like to pay less and use reclaimed oil as bar oil buy from Wally world. if you like to run a proprietary virgin blend use Stihl, Husky or other "hugh priced" gold flaked pixie dust.

Each their own..
I actually dilute Wally World bar oil with filtered used hydraulic oil from the fleet. During the summer months I go 2/3 bar oil to 1/3 used hydro. Winter 1/2 and 1/2 works well.
sounds like a good idea andrew, i use wally world poulan oil also. in fact i need to go clean their shelf again, rakes to
I hear these storys of reclaimed or filtered oil being sold as bar oil but I don't this to be truthfull or not . Any oil really doesn't "break down " it just gets contaminated . In the case of lube oils it can be filtered but I don't think indefinately .

It makes a pretty good source of heat in a waste oil burner though so it's not a total loss .
Hmm...It's worth trying Wally World's oil. If you don't like it, then don't use it. I'm gonna try it next time. Thanks for the tip Skwerl!
Jamin, FWIW Walmart has there own Tech 2000/SuperTech brand found in the automotive section and they carry Poulan in either the hardware section or Lawn and Garden area of the store. Both work just fine but the Poulan has a better bottle shape for both pouring and staying upright in the truck. I have used these oils for about twenty years except for my diversion into using cooking oil.
a logging outfit i used to work for put all the used engine oil through the bar saws
I HATE those rectangular bottles. They really bite a big one! :X

Hmmm..have you perchance tried them since they were redesigned?

And BTW-Walmart and Poulan oils are either virgin base stocks or rerefined-nice clean honey colored oil. K-Mart used to sell a reclaimed ,filtered(?) bar oil that was a putrid green/black and stunk to high heaven.
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And don't forget the little trick about just cutting a slit in the foil seal rather than removing it. Makes it much easier to pour from the side without spilling oil everywhere.
Some of the liquid laundry soap bottles work good too. I don't think they are osha approved though.
I went into Walmart to buy oil the other day only to find they didn't have any. I'll have to stick with baby oil for a while.
I'm not sure how much the saw shops are charging these days, but bar oil is still only $5.17 per gallon at Wally World. I don't care what color the bottle is or what the name is on the label, it's got the sticky stuff in it to keep it from flinging off the bar. If you're still paying top dollar for Stihl brand bar oil, you're throwing your money away. I just stocked up on another 8 gallons and that should hold me over for a couple months.

You know Skwerl, about 6 months ago or so we had a 5,923,512 page thread on bar oil. What the hell are you trying to prove now? Did you forget to bring a point up or just a poor memory? Now I had to take some of my precious time to kill this thread. I hope you break a clutch spring...Rick