Workmans comp

Yeah, removing any last shred of accountability will certainly improve healthcare in the US tremendously. It will be damn near flawless once the government runs it.
my workers comp cost 120 today....seems cheap:D

Brian....whats the disability? I've seen you climb, you got around fine? How big was your claim. aint that bad bro
I don't remember the amount of the claim. I still have a pinched sciatic nerve that flares up when I do too much. When I was still climbing, I usually had a pronounced limp during the busy season.
I suppose that a lot of workman's comp claims are contested? When my dad died of a heart attack, my mother had to go to court to try and get some money. He was scuba diving as part of his job, and experienced chest pains shortly after. They really dragged her through it, then came up with a settlement, which she accepted after much deliberation. It wasn't for a hell of a lot of money, she had to go to work to support us.
I don't remember the amount of the claim. I still have a pinched sciatic nerve that flares up when I do too much. When I was still climbing, I usually had a pronounced limp during the busy season.

same here.....PT has helped I went to a Bone doc and found out one leg is shorter then the other by1/8-1/4"....lift in my left shoe is really helping my SI joint...
I don't know 2 devils to choose from, WC or National Health care. which one do you prefer.
I guess you are correct. But it seems to reason that national healthcare would make WC obsolete. Except that the gov't probably would not want to take the risk of on the job injuries. But with 2 separate avenues people without WC will lie about the place of injury so they are covered. So if the combine them there would be less opportunity for that type of abuse. AS usual you just have to find a way to fund it.
.....I wish sometimes I was not responsible for the lives of others...I choose more risk then most......and so far get to live...

If I send one of my dudes aloft in a scketchy situation......I want to to know(and they do too) that they are covered...

by know means does this give a "permission slip" to get stupid. When I bid work....if life will be threatened, then crane comes in......or I say no.

sole prop and inc/LLC's are a totally different beast. If you have no employees then WGAF.
Because one way or another, I finance just as much of the bullshit as you do.

And really, I'd love to have WC and be covered myself... if only it weren't such a ripoff.

Why do you think I don't have "employees"? Because I can't afford them. If WC was more affordable, just think of how many jobs would be created.

Hey, you've got your pet peeves, I've got mine. ;)
I think my comp must not be as much as yours. I think mine is $.13 on every dollar of payroll. I also think that it is through a public/private fund. No one is getting rich off of it. I think it is a very tolerable expense to cover my employees.

Brian if comp didn't give you a hard time about your claim, you could have become lazy and shiftless. They did you a favor.
Yeah, removing any last shred of accountability will certainly improve healthcare in the US tremendously. It will be damn near flawless once the government runs it.

I'm gonna break the language rule because I don't know another way to say it how i mean it.

Why does it have to be one extreme or the other? You don't think health care funding can be improved? A different system wouldn't be flawless, but a moron could improve on what we have now. Insurance in it's current privatized form is bullshit... it's primary motivation is to NOT pay. That's REALLY, REALLY frigged up. It's amazing we even suppoort it as a business model.

If the stupid friggin' political extremists would get the frig out of the friggin' way, the moderates could probably accomplish something good.

But noooo, it's fight'em because they're liberals and all liberal ideas are going ruin the country and take away all our precious money and give it to the lazy scumbags who don't want to work. That's totally irrational thinking... no, it's ignorant thinking.

Regulate insurance companies? Oh hell yeah, banishing them would be better. I would definitely prefer a lame ass bureaucrat over a bloodsucking shill any day.
Insurance creates a whole different category of expense that has nothing to do with treating sick and injured people. I keep hearing the conservatives say that the big fear of a government run health care program is rationing of healthcare. Its already happening. There will be rationing of healthcare in every system.
Yep, us 50 year old self employed guys have been 'rationed' out for years. Self employed 25 year old pregnant women? Forget it, just pay cash, it will cost less.
health insurance thread somewhere else...

Darin, 13 cent is awesome.....mine was it dropped to 34