What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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COLD. Saw my first signs of snow this morning in flurry form, only for a few minutes though. Suppose to go collect a 150day overdue check, and go clean up an ash tree quick solo.
Hmmm 17 degrees outside. I just started a town house pruning project yesterday and we actually had a hard snowfall for about 30 minutes. I am going to have to put the plow on reeeeeeeeeeaaal soon!
16 F right now with a tasty little breeze blowing up my @ss. It's too early to be this cold. BRRRR!
It was about 80 today and 53 right now and going to about 45 tonight. Good climbing weather to day with bottles of water. Slight breeze nuttin heavy in the wind dept.
Should be a lil cooler tomorrow, but more like 70s.
Yesterday was 75. Today was 33 with freezing drizzle/snow and iced up trees.I think the temps went UP after sundown-supposed to be 50 and sunny tomorrow.
I was in the teens when I got up, and probably didn't make it over 30 all day, and dropping again. This is plenty cold for this time of year. I'm glad we don't have any underground activities underway.
sposed to get some wind tonight, 70 to 90 kph in my area, 100 to 120 kph just off shore in our coastal island area. Then rain. cool too, lows of like 3 C highs of about 10 C. Here comes winter.
Poor weather guys-they can't get it right. The forecast today was sunny and seasonably cool/50 degrees. (A nice outlook after yesterday's freezing drizzle.) It was 20 degrees with a very heavy frost and fog this morning...the sun came out and it soared to 67.
well, looks like an update, we are scheduled for 100 to 120kph, coastal islands now are scheduled for 110 to 150 kph. :) get yer flashlights out!