The Official Work Pictures Thread

Still got power Brendon? If so all worked out kinda. I've learned to leave my house when I hear a nieghbor with a chainsaw.
And as much as I hate those little one inch pieces Sam I understand them. There is a sweet spot on them pines.
Good thing, Brendon!

Sam: That was a sweet lil vid. Thanks. The old timers hate me too, for leaving the odd stub for certain butt-drop limb cuts, and the odd Beranek twister-cut or whatever. They're like, "I don't wanna have to pick all these up!" I'm like, "Well get yer ass up here, and let me do it then!" I haven't had to come down yet.

Ohhh: I thought that was a super interesting technique on the log (the immediate one, after the top) that you flopped. At first, I thought, "Oh, what's he doing opening up a big huge face like that?" But when I saw the plug that you left in the middle... I dunno... kinda made sense to me. Like, if yer bar doesn't reach through... you can just cut both corners off and leave the plug, and it'll come-out right as rain. I might give that a try actually, where directional control is not a big deal. I like it better than Sean's, "magic cut," which I've used before, but am starting to hate.

Gord's Magic Cut. How can you hate it? So easy, so fast, good directional control on a straight up conifer.
How can you hate it?

Dude, I'm probly DOING it wrong. I freakin hate how you've gotta be bang-on with the little "snipe," deal, or else the chunk tends to go off to the left or the right wrong. I also hate how finicky you have to be about how much "snap-wood," you hafta leave. Too little... it just goes. Too much and yer freakin jerkin on it. You probably do it different from me. Here's what I do:

1) saw-in a horizontal "face," super (maybe 70%) deep. 2) Cut-in a superficial, little (this is probably where I'm messin-up) snipe from the bottom. 3) Cut-up all my "snap wood," from UNDER the "face cut." 4) Just pop it of manually, and it usually seems to come off the stick super weird. I don't like doin it. Probly just an idiosycratic aversion on my part. I'm thinkin' I need a deeper "snipe,"... but then, I'm like, "Why the heck am I cutting up all this horizontal wood if I can just open up a conventional face AND have the benefit of directional holding wood all in the same ammount of time?"

Hit me back, bro... I'm itchin fer a fight. :lol:

Ohhh yeah... I fergot it was Gord.
Yea I need to learn to make them much shorter. Its amazing how much action August gets into such a short amount of time. I want to give a shout to August for his very touching and beautiful video to Joe and Meadow. You messed me up with that one brother!
Well that being said, here's a minute and a half of some unremarkable work. I get 2 or 3 jobs a year which ensures that I'm rusty and prove Murphy's law almost every time. The first day the gopro worked fine but I buried my rope and had to switch from DDrt to Srt to come down for the day. My gaffing leg muscles are weak so spurring back down without a high TIP wasn't a consideration.

Today, I pushed the wrong setting so the gopro took a picture every 5 seconds and then the battery died so I just went through and picked a few stills. Which is probably a blessing anyway.

There were a few subtle dog legs that played me out trying to pass them. Had no one to tie on the bigger saw so I climbed down and back up without starting it and the -5 Celsius temp. required no less than 40 pulls in the tree to get going. Cut one chunk and then the recoil/flywheel cover came off and fell to the ground. Back down, screw it back on and climb back up.

Cut a few more chunks without a step or notch and the hanging strip of bark caused the chunk to hit the trunk on the way down. Had a good drop zone but lesson learned nevertheless. Pulled the trunk over fine but still hit the dirt once when bucking. Naturally. Some people are really good at this and some of us just fake it.:|:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
SNAFU....a comedy of errors! Happens sometimes.:lol:

Good write-up anyway. And the vid is good to watch...way under MB's "5 minute" preferred video length.