The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

  • Thread starter Werks 4 da Man
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After having had husky mixes and other extreme fur bearers for the last 20 odd years, I've finally found a trimming device that works.

My ex-wife bought it for me ( well, for Sam, actually) after seeing a friend use it.
It is not cheap, but neither are vacuum cleaner bags, and it works like nothing else, I've come across.
Even the expensive Coat-king can't hold a candle to it.
I just ripped enough summer fur off of Sam to fill about 2 pillow cases and thought I'd mention it here.

It is called the Furminator.
My sister bought one this summer. When she was done with three dogs it looked like there had been a sheep shearing competition on the front lawn..
Had an overweight Beagle named Charley. He used to stay and watch the pan on the stove after the cooking was over, occasionally looking our way and giving a woof or two, until we showed him the contents were gone.:lol:
I hate a begging critter at my table. What they don't EVER know about, they won't ever be wanting. Pets should be fed pet food, and high quality stuff - not that cheap crap. My vet recommends Science Diet. Not cheap at all, but not as expensive as some brands. I see people getting those huge bags of dog food for 10, 12 bucks and I feel sorry for their critters. It's like living on cereal, and cheap cereal at that... not healthy at all.
Sure Butch,
I recently related Charlie's problems that came from "complete" food.
She doesn't beg at the table. She's on the step watching from afar.
On work days however don't leave your sandwiches in the van, or prepare to go hungry.
She's always getting into clients houses and sits down in front of the lady of the house, ears back, spaniel eyes. Pays dividends. She's so unthreatening none of them seem to mind.
Begging from the table has nothing to do with being fed human food.
It has to do with lack of proper training, like most everything else that dogs do wrong.
I'll toss mine a bit of whatever I'm eating occasionally, but you sure don't see them "begging" after they've been told to leave.

It is an old viking tradition to have a pack of dogs in the dining hall, to toss the bones of whatever animal you're eating to.
Being a vegetarian, I fail miserably in keeping that tradition going.
You're right Stig, Charly never begs, she merely enquires as to what might be happening to that piece of toast/sausage and that if, circumstances being right, you find it surplus to requirements, she would like to place herself first in line to have it.

She'll spend hours watching my wife cook, sitting there, looking, fascinated and waiting for showtime.
I have cooked and treated animals in my life for ever. They do not beg or steal food, They know better. They were taught the rules straight up.
They politely wait for their their share of the fare.
Mine will lay down and pretend he is not looking at the meal/me/table. Pretty comical really as he just has to steal a peek from time to time and knows he won't get anything if he gets caught staring/begging.

Stig is right on the is in the training.