Ted Nugent/"Pigman" heli hunting


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008

Anybody see this show where Nugent and some guy killed fleeing wild pigs from a helicopter using semi autos and machine guns? Shot a number of them as they swam for their lives in a river, some others point blank as they stopped and faced the chopper. And the shooters high fived and cheered about it all. Some or most of the carcasses were left to rot where they dropped. I get it that the high birth rates and destructive habits of wild pigs could cause a mass killing to be necessary. But to gloat about all the killing and leave much of the animals to rot, and to kill a bunch of coyotes while they were at it, despite the fact coyotes play some roll in limiting pig numbers??? Appalling to me.
Nugent is obnoxious, he can't talk like he doesn't want to be in your face. Maybe that eradication is necessary, but why call it hunting?
Killing for food should be an accepted practice. Killing for fun is BS! When I got my first BB gun at age 12 I shot a chipmunk. That thing tasted like shiite! Dad told me do not shoot anything you don't plan on eating.
I can understand killing something that needs killing. Varmits are varmits and can be dangerous and destructive. I just think it's kinda sick to enjoy doing it.
Y'all can worship dirt, hug trees, and cuddle with squirrels all you want. Pigs are like weeds. That is like shedding a tear over someone going out and tossing a bunch of ailanthus.

The mass shooting of coyotes I don't care for.
Y'all can worship dirt, hug trees, and cuddle with squirrels all you want. Pigs are like weeds. That is like shedding a tear over someone going out and tossing a bunch of ailanthus.

I'm not shedding any tears, just thinking that if the choice is between pigs and Ted Nugent, I wastly prefer pigs!
Y'all can worship dirt, hug trees, and cuddle with squirrels all you want. Pigs are like weeds. That is like shedding a tear over someone going out and tossing a bunch of ailanthus.

The mass shooting of coyotes I don't care for.

I'm far from a bunny hugger Nate... :lol: My comment was more in line with Ted Nugent being a scourge to hunters and gun owners everywhere. It's because of dipshits like him that people want gun bans, and to shut hunting down.

This statement is an insult to retarted people.:lol:

I actually thought about that after I typed that! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ted is always going on about how he has never taken drugs and hates to associate with people that do, it being the scourge of the earth. The guy is so hyper and full of himself all the time, it seems. His social group there seems to encourage it. If there was ever anyone that needed to smoke a doob, it is him.
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Y'all can worship dirt, hug trees, and cuddle with squirrels all you want. Pigs are like weeds. That is like shedding a tear over someone going out and tossing a bunch of ailanthus.
Not sure I agree with you, but it's an interesting analogy. Tell more about pig issues in TX. I'm in CT, so I have no first hand experience. While it's true I don't shed a tear over cutting necessary trees, I still think the high fiving attitude when killing mammals is just not right.
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I saw him in concert, when he first came out and hardly anyone knew who he was. It was a great concert!

Ya, I posted here a couple years ago about his concert at a bar in New Haven, CT, it was insane. And saw him in '76 when he played MSG with Aerosmith, another insane show, plus, it was like 4th of July inside the Garden with peeps shooting off all manner of roman candles, cherry bombs and assorted pyrotecnics, hard to believe no one was maimed. So I've gotten a kick out of him for years, but this just seemed totally wrong.
The problem here in Texas with pig is HUGE! We have pigs in town tearing up yards, I have friends that have had new born calves killed and eaten by pigs. I love to hunt pigs, and the state made it legal to kill them from the air in an effort to try and get the numbers under control. In South texas there are so many pigs that a lot of ranchers can't raise hay, and have had to down size herds of cattle due to rooting up of native grasses. I think it is a great program, but I dont think it is hunting. It is a means to control pig numbers that has proved to be successful. I have talked to people involved in the aerial shooting program, and they said that they try to pick up the dead pigs and take them to folks that butcher them and provide meat for needy families and homeless folks. If I was raising cattle and had a helicopter in the air and saw coyotes I would shoot them, I grew up ranching and coyotes kill a lot of calves and wildlife that we get paid to guide for ie deer. I however wouldn't just shoot them for fun, if not a threat to my way of making a living. I hunt predators and hogs for ranchers, and for guys with deer breeding facilities, and it is a way to make money and keep their living safe, I take no joy in it. I have hunted my whole life, and went from shooting rifles to handguns to compound bows to longbows. If I go hunting and dont ever kill a thing, Im happy as can be. I love the outdoors and want to pass it on to my kids better then it has ever been for me. If "uncle Ted" wants to act like a fool and jump up and down cause he shot a pig running for cover and call it hunting, he is out of his knob! And anyone who thinks that fool aint and hasnt been on dope is smoking bad crack! Just my thoughts.
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  • #18
Good post, md.
Concur, nice post, md.

Ted just likes to kill things and get a hard on over it. Isn't his book entitled, "Kill it and Grill it"? The title ranks up there in subtlety about as much as "Cat Scratch Fever".
i wonder if his buddies are hesitant to get high in his presence? Maybe they think that he might shoot them, the way he talks about it. Possible he only wants to make friends with people that don't indulge, I guess it still leaves a few million to chose from, mostly infants and residents in old folk's homes.
If you look at him today, it makes you wonder how he ever got to the point of prominence that he could shoot off his mouth so much and people would pay attention. I believe that he has talked his way into obscurity.
Wild pigs are a very serious issue. Here in PA, a number of EurAsian boars escaped a farm and got wild. North central PA to be exact. They quickly bred, and bred, and bred, and established a wild population overnight. Their destruction to any area they spent time in was undeniable. I saw it myself while doing clear cutting work for Grouse habitat restoration. They murder crops and forests. Its actually scary to know how much damage they can do overnight, if you value nature. They tear the understory of the woods out by its roots. Often only taking a few bites before tearing another seedling out. They behave like forestry mowers. Theyre often riddled with parasites and worms of many varieties, and they're NASTY. They dont need to be provoked either. You can give them theyre space and still have problems. They go ape on planted crops at every chance they get. They become become very elusive in a wooded setting and almost imposssible to manage. PA Game Commission decided to issue an all out no closed season, kill em all bulletin after a short period of time. A warden i spoke to while clear cutting for regen on state land warned me as an outdoorsmen. He said at the time they were the biggest threat to PA's wild habitat, and encouraged me to shoot any i see and to be safe, dont handle the carcass.

I was invited to do a helicopter pig hunt. I said no. First, it doesnt appeal to me. Second, its very expensive. The helo companies make a ton of money. The ranchers pay them BIG dollars to kill off the wild pigs that are ruining their crops and business, then the helo companies charge even bigger money for 1 hour shooting sprees for clients. Im not talking $100 an hour either. Im talking much more expensive. The numbers I forget.

Nugent is a whacko. He works to portray sportsmen as blood thirsty wolves that lust for the taste of fresh warm blood. Thats not the case. Those types do exist, but they are the oddballs and are generally shunned by respectable outdoorsmen. I hunt, you all know that by now. Many wont agree with that hobby. Thats ok. Thats what makes the world go round. But I will say this about how I hunt. I do a lot of ruffed grouse hunting. Mostly because I enjoy the woods in the fall, and find peace ad relaxion in walking the young forests and thickets with my pointer watching her work diligently to scent, lightly approach, and with all the discipline she has, point the grouse in perfect silence in an attempt for me to have an opportunity to flush the bird abd shoot it. More then half the time, i dont shoot them. My thrill came from watching my dog do what runs so deep in her blood and brings her so much joy. Often times I dont shoot them because while we have located grouse, I may believe that the area we are in doesnt hold a strong population that can spare any birds for my dinner table.

The other hunting I do is similar. Deer for instance. I often find myself satisfied by the fact that I was able to use my wits to match their even stronger senses, and get close to them. Sometimes i kill one for my freezer. Often times I smile at having had the chance but let them mosey on their way having never known I was there. What Im trying to say is that for anyone reading this, who opposes hunting, dont ever watch ted Nugent and think that his behavior is a good picture into sportsmen as a whole. I dont apologize for the fact that i hunt, and didnt explain my style in an attempt to justify myself. I just wanted to clear the air for anyone that would think that I as a hunter behave like Ted.
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  • #25
That is scary sounding damage. Like I said in the OP, mass extermination may be called for, but gloating about it is just bad.

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