Tapatalk voice recognition posting

I can post things without using Tapatalk just using my android phone although the voice recognition cuz sometimes coffee or it just puts in words that it wants like cuz and coffeewhich should have read sometimes potty sad it not potty OMG technology is lackingspace but in due time it'll catch up I really need my internet connection

Dang...you sure do talk funny!!:lol:
Okay, so I figured out if I copy and paste and then put onto the box thing that works so will see how that goes so the search is over I have succeeded I am over the moon with this.

Hey, Mick! Congratulations! It has been awhile since I last checked in on this thread, so I'm glad you managed to power through it all and find at least a halfway solution. Even if it doesn't work exactly perfectly, it is just a hoot to watch the technology do its thing. I'm typing this at my laptop right now, so I'm currently missing out on all the fun.

To be honest, the bigger problem I have trying to post from my Android handheld computer is that it frequently wants to hide the box that contains the words that I'm trying so hard to produce and edit. It's like this maddening glitch in the operating system. But I persevere anyway. I haven't been posting using my handheld much of late, just because I've had the laptop out and turned on. Sometimes I don't use the speech recognition software even when I'm reading the forum on the handheld, just because there are other people around, and it might disturb them.

I guess that is part of the reason that texting is so popular, as opposed to just talking on the phone. People in public places or meetings that don't want to disturb those around them, text, to enable communication when they otherwise would not be able to. So I guess my point is that I tend to use the speech recognition software when I'm operating in private and unlikely to disturb those around me.

Congrats again, Mick. :thumbup:

I have a problem with the voice recognition. I'm starting to use it in real life. Couple days ago I said to Karina

"Should we go to the store now comma later today comma or not at all question mark"
