Not to sound like Tom but....
I have a soil injection rig I built up myself but I don't have pictures right here right now.
I will post pictures tonight.
Here are some points to consider.
In calif. to spray herbicides/controlled chemicals, you need to have a Lic. which is expensive and requires not only money (3-4 bills a year) to maintain the cert, but you also have to do alot of paper work, from taking GPS coordinates of every location sprayed, to amounts used, where and how much and what for. Also you must attend classes where they 'teach' you how to understand new labels and material handling requirements.
Quarterly reports must be submitted to the state.
Public perception is set against spraying aerial sprays in my area. Anyone sees a guy out there with a geyser hosing down a tree and they freak out. Drift onto a neighbor's property, on their car, etc. and it is a lawsuit just begging to happen.
Most insect/disease problems can be dealt with by micro-injection (IMO). No one really even knows you are doing it.
So, I built up a soil injection rig and do soil injections with it. It also works well as a pressure washer which is handy for me in hosing off mud and stuff from my equipment.
I just replaced the engine with a 9 horse honda.
You MUST get an engine with a gear reduction. You cannot easily buy an engine without the gear reduction and then install the gear box separately as they are mated to each engine.
Overall, I don't make a hell of alot of money doing fert. jobs, but it is a valuable tool to have in my arsenal. I have gotten alot of work from other tree services which refer me to these jobs.
I will post pictures tonight. Hope this helps.
200 gallon tank with agitator, manual hose reel (which works just fine), and 200 feet of hose.
Got the tank used and built up everything else from scraps and odds and ends.