So Who All Has This Poster?

I've got it in the office, next to a poster of the General Grant tree and and old original black and white photo of Redwood logging, I bought at a gallery in Eureka, Ca. 3 years ago and paid a fortune to have framed. Those 3 pictures go well together.
And when I have clients come to the office, it tells them that we are all about tree work.
I went to Michael's, a craft store, last night. $200 with the 40% off coupon!
I found a movie poster/picture collage frame, 26x47 believe, $60. It's framed and hanging in the garage thank you:)
I got mine yesterday. Thanks, Jerry. You ARE da man! :D

I thumb-tacked it up in the office till I get a frame. My twelve year old daughter keeps coming in saying, "THAT is SO cool!"
Question ? .... Do y'all notice the rip cut to fall away the co-dominant in the the log/pull shot .... I had the poster for years until I noticed it ...