Woods walker
I have just enjoyed reading and studying Jerry's fine book, which I received just before the holidays. Nothing finer than a good book, a warm woodstove, a glass of smooth scotch, and some time off to enjoy them all.
One thing that struck me repeatedly as I worked my way page by page is that when Jerry B. speaks of "small, medium, and large" trees and appropriate methodologies for dealing with each, I have to employ a conversion factor.
Now remember, I work in western Oregon. I am no stranger to big timber. I put saw to some good-sized wood, fat and tall both. But it looks to me like my definition of "large" falls pretty far short of Jerry's
. Same goes for his "medium"...that equals my "large"...if I'm lucky. A Beranek "small" is still a pretty good sized stem, for most people.
Anyway, a fine piece of work, and one that no tree man or woman should fail to have in their personal library.
Thanks, Jerry.
One thing that struck me repeatedly as I worked my way page by page is that when Jerry B. speaks of "small, medium, and large" trees and appropriate methodologies for dealing with each, I have to employ a conversion factor.
Now remember, I work in western Oregon. I am no stranger to big timber. I put saw to some good-sized wood, fat and tall both. But it looks to me like my definition of "large" falls pretty far short of Jerry's

Anyway, a fine piece of work, and one that no tree man or woman should fail to have in their personal library.
Thanks, Jerry.