In The News...

I've got a link to some ISIS videos that suggest they aren't much on international law but I don't think you would want to see'em.
Looks bad, Squish. That's a lot of blazes to have going at one time! Something to be said for the rainy season coinciding with the hot months.
We just went from flooding to this in like two, three weeks.

I'm good here so far, but quite smokey. That and the 100+temps today are keeping me inside, being wimpy. ;)
:|:Yeah, we have been having fire after fire here. Seems daily. So far they have been able to put them down pretty quick and not lose structures. Crazy bad fire year. High heat after record rains/snow. More brush and grass brown and ready to burn. Not to mention over 100,000,000 dead trees
Last tally I heard was a couple of airport hangers, five houses, and an entire 30 trailer park burned. It's ironic to me but trailers man oh man, Its like they have it coming their way no matter what!
Hehe, not tell me something. I like being told things, very educational.

I just cant abide being told WHAT to do.:P Thats why I live where I do, and not in an area with a HOA.

We all have to know our limitations.

Kevin, did you mean shit? Or are some people dumping whit into a river somewhere.