How'd it go today?

I was gonna drive to work and fall those snags, but I think I'll wait til Tuesday. Supposed to be warm and rainy then. I'm kind of in the mood to just hangout by the fire today. I need to start thinking about bringing pallets home to setup decent wood storage.
Split a bunch of wood yesterday, assisted in pizza making last night with my younger daughter, and then played a few hands of euchre (not sure if that’s spelled right) with my wife and brother and his wife. Got up at 5 again this morning. Decided to do a quick pull up, push up, sit up work out before breakfast. Aside from carrying wood to the basement, I don’t think I’ll do anything overly productive today.
It's looking like another day at the office. Would be nice if I was told ahead of time. I'd rather fall snags than climb, but I don't want to use my Poulans. My 661 is here, but that's like using a 12ga to hunt hamsters :^/
Had my son working today, as he needs money for fuel for his car (finally got his license; a story for at least a beverage or 2). Started phase 1 of a multi-phase job for parents of one of his friends, and whacked about 20 oversized barberry bushes. Tons of fun ripping them apart after cutting down, then getting stabbed feeding the chipper. The kid took it like a champ, and we got out in reasonable time. Nothing photo worthy from that mess.
Long four hours doing a pine today. Took forever to get a line set, and I got a throwbag stuck *twice*. It was starting to look like I'd get it pruned using apta shots :^S Halfway up my TIP(I thought) failed, and I dropped 3'. Looking up, it appeared I dropped onto a dead branch. I still had my throwbag to rescue, so I pushed on, but kept my lanyard around the stem. Got the throwbag, and went down. As soon as I hit the ground, boss came, and said my TIP was fine. I look up, and it was indeed good. I broke a branch off that was above it, and the geometry made it hard to see from the tree. Climb the 60'-70' back up to get to where I left off, and finished the tree.


My rigid ropewrench tether sucks. Too bulky. I tried carving some off with my knife, but I had to switch back to the spliced tether.

My knee ascender failed. My bound loop slipped, and came apart. On the good side, everything else about the setup is pretty good. My bungie is a rubber tube I found on a job. I think it was a boogie board tether. Think bigshot tube. I just prusiked it off to figure out what length I need. I can get 2-3 bungies out of it.

My throwline is a snarled mess. I'll fool with it tomorrow. Dark was coming, and I had to get the rest of the stuff put away.

I made one cut a little too close to the stem, only on the top side. I think it'll be alright, but I don't like screwing that up. It was the thickest one I cut, and I was wedged between my line and the stem to keep the saw away from it, so I was in an uncomfortable position. That's my excuse anyway...

Kinda kicked my ass. Got home, and had to clean up a bunch of cat puke. As short as it was, it was a long day. I didn't start doing anything til 12:30.
Oh yea Sean, we had plenty of push sticks. The problem was the limbs were so intertwined with each other, they needed to be cut apart multiple times just to get them to manageable enough clumps to feed the chipper chute. Each bush was like 5-6 ft. high, and 6-10 ft. across with 40+ fronds each.. The only thing I've ever done worse was a ~100 ft. honey locust in it's prime that I needed to climb and rig down (tight backyard with skimpy fence), with lots of limb scoots on my ass, due to no good tie in points above to effectively limbwalk drooping limbs. Ass and shorts were quite red after that one.
Went back to my walnut gig. We got the three down and decked up before the ground thawed. We still have to go back and get the fourth one over the shed and wires and grind stumps. Maybe Wednesday depending if this ice storm they are talking about doesn’t eff me.
We’re supposed to be getting that ice and snow at the end of the week Rajan. 60*F and lots of mud today. More ROW work. Had to stay a bit late to finish that section. No way we were getting in tomorrow with the rain coming. Then sprayed the salt off of my truck, trailer, and mini. The mechanic and I fixed the shop air compressor. Now I’m home. It was a good day.