
Jul 1, 2008
southern Vermont
I am right the hell in it !!! The heaviest damage I have EVER seen ... 5 days without power ... day after was crazy dangerous cutting / climbing .... sounded like gunfire as tops broke out and whole trees fell ...the ski area lost about a third of it's electric infrastructure , as well as me ! I took a leave of absence so I could devote full resources to business ... I am going back out now ... just got phone / internet back ... will post later ... I hope all the arborists remain safe as New England cleans up !!!
I just got back from the Worcester, MA area. It is a total disaster. We were looking at the ALB work, and the ice storm couldn't have come at a worse time....now a foot of snow is predicted for tomorrow:|:

The city of Worcester opened up the city greenwaste dump area which is supervised by the state AND the feds, there was a line of trucks about a 1/4 mile long dumping brush with every tree company, gypsy contractors, waste management trucks, etc.... They are all dumping for free at the moment 'cuz the feds don't want anything leaving the ALB quarantine zone. I've got a bunch of pics that I'll put up in the ALB thread when I get home.
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I safely chopped out ALOT of crazy ice-laden , heavy criss - crossed muti - stem mouse traps for two days at the ski area 'till my supervisor proved to be an asshole , thus the "leave of absence" the work itself was pretty exciting !!! and dangerous !!! NO place for the "GOL" qualified rook ....
Old Tom the tree guy had the bright idea of chasing that storm but changed his mind . Funny thing is the last time he got that notion danged if we didn't get a killer of an ice storm . They had more work than they could shake a stick at for months .

Had I not already been working 10-12 hours per day at the time I'd have got a piece of the action myself .Things might be a tad different this time but I'd just as soon if the thing passed on by .
I already mentioned it to Erik but I wanted to let you other guys (Rob, Brendon) know that I'd be receptive to the idea of a road trip if you can put me and my truck to work for a couple weeks. I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs and need to do something soon.
We are expecting another foot of snow tomorrow:|: If you want to come up Brian, PM me I'll set you up with some of the big dogs. If you want to stay it looks like there will be plenty of ALB work for anybody and everybody.
I already mentioned it to Erik but I wanted to let you other guys (Rob, Brendon) know that I'd be receptive to the idea of a road trip if you can put me and my truck to work for a couple weeks. I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs and need to do something soon.

We'll see mate!! They're forecasting 'it' for tomorrow/Sat/Sun here and I bugger off to the UK (for an all out assault on my liver) for a week on the 24th......but if TSHTF, you'll be the first to know. I'll even leave you my crew, just make sure you beat them hard and often as they'll be confused if you don't. And you'll need to master a 'Souf Lundan' accent, so they understand you.....:lol:
I already mentioned it to Erik but I wanted to let you other guys (Rob, Brendon) know that I'd be receptive to the idea of a road trip if you can put me and my truck to work for a couple weeks. I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs and need to do something soon.


We'd be twiddling our thumbs together, no ice, and no work here. :( Got one small prune job, but the bloke wants to wait till end of Jan.

Getting 12" of white tommorrow, followed by 2-4 beginning of next week.
PM sent, Greg. And thanks, guys. I'm hoping to get something worked out one way or another. I just spoke with my old buddy Mike and he's ready to go as well. The two of us make a good team.
RJS, give it hell, just work safe eh? You gots some winter tires for the rig? A jacket? I could send you some mittens... :P

Hey, maybe LJ wants to go too, he was saying he wasnt getting much work lately.

go make some money while the hay is there to be bailed.
heck yeah brian, hope it works out for ya. your 4x4 right? still need chains, pick em up in the first state that has some:D
Nope, front wheels are just for steering and keeping the bumper from dragging. ;)

I do have a locking differential on the rear though.

I'll also be buying some thermal underwear, wool socks, one of those ninja mask things like Darin wears and other assorted cold weather gear. Gotta wait until I get someplace that sells that stuff though.
I should be able to get there in 2 days. The truck rolls at almost 70 and both Mike and I are licensed to drive it.
If you do make the trip north stop someplace before you get there and buy some Carharts .Don't wait until you get there because they might be hard to find .

Just get on I-95 and head north , pretty long haul though .
Not sure if there is a reasonable route other than 95 all the way. I remember taking the trip between FL and CT as a kid before 95 was completed, we had to take state roads through part of SC. My last trip up there was in '04 when I went to Baltimore for the TCIA expo, and then went up to CT to visit family.