Don't Be Afraid!!!!

Hey, don't go telling a guy, who has had a 40 year long love affair with English, that his sweetheart is dispassionate and only fit for merchants and politicians!

I do not agree!

I'm telllin' ya! There are so many things you can't express in English without resorting to composite sentences of words and phrases from other languages.

Don't get me wrong, I love English and working it so I can say what I want.
Ok so my senses & spilling needs some work (A hole lot of work). Know I have learning disabilities (Dyslexia I can read and speak fine but to get the word out in written form is hard for me.) This is why i don't post much as it tack me a good couple minutes to get this senses right. And i still use the wrong words (Like meet when it should have been meat).

I hate to look like a fool then I right some for people to read.

So please bear with me.
C. Kirk, have no hesitation. I'm surrounded by millions of bad to worse English speakers who want to try theirs out on me. I can decipher anything now.
It's probably just a result of his experience as a bartender, try to figure out what inebriated people were trying to say. Could be why he started the Treehouse.
Well, we can see from your avatar that you're just a little feller, so we'll cut you some slack. :lol:

I'll tell you what, though. I can understand your posts a heck of a lot easier than Kenny's posts. I don't even try to decypher his rambling any more. :?
I tried searching my hard drive, I had saved that pic of him climbing in tennis shoes or something, from the one night when he had like 3 posts then disappeared. No dice. I think its in the rotator somewhere. Bob Underwor went over there to hang with the Russkies a number of years ago I believe.
His, hers, its.
'The car was pulling to the right because its tire was almost flat.'

Yea, I see that and would write it like that, but I don't really understand why I do it.

Slap me if you want, but not understanding these fancy smancy terms, i get that this (The car was pulling to the right because it is tire was almost flat) wouldnt make sence, so thats why theres no '
I bought a newer, better dictionary and a book on how to better assemble a sentence. Also, I bought a thesaurus. Maybe this should be in the OCGD thread.:lol: