Crazy story developing on the Buzz

Somebody posted this on the FF a day or two ago. I think he has worked with the company before. Sad news.
Terrible news.

I looked on the Buzz, too much speculation. How and where did it say 2 casualities? unless the post have been edited. Either way, respect and condolences are best at times like this rather than speculation.
You used to see that kind of thing happening fairly regularly here, and sometimes still today, people taking responsibility for some injury or death causing accident, then killing themselves. I recall a bus accident where the driver was going too fast and slipped at a curve. Along with the injured in the bus, they found him hanging by his necktie from a tree close by. He didn't waste much time, apparently. Something left over from the samurai age, I imagine, or chalk it up to work seriousness. It recently happened when the president of a railway threw himself into the sea after a train derailment. Pretty drastic measures....
From what was printed the crane op. must has really screwed the pooch to take on that kind of guilt, or he just couldn't deal with seeing it that has to rip a guy up I am sure.
Guilt might be the better way to look at it, as opposed to avoiding some other possible consequences. In any event, a very terrible deal.
A grim reminder of why we have to be on top of our game at all times... and pray to God that those around us are too!!
A crane operator shouldn't take his eyes off the climber unless lowering the pic. The good operators due that by habit. Unfortunately, a few don't follow the rule.