"Crane Tree Removal" ACE Tree Management

  • Thread starter AceTreeMaster
  • Start date
  • Replies 52
  • Views 9K
Cool video, glad you made it over here to the new forum. :D

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The shaky cameraman effect started getting me a bit dizzy after a while. :(
Cool vid. I have never seen chain chokers in use before with crane picks, must be a lot of clanging going on...? The cabs sure look cozy on those machines.

Chokers on opposite sides of that big pick would have kept it from spinning around and reduced movement. You know that, no doubt.
Boy, they grow em big there! Shades of California.
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  • #9
Thanks Guy's ,the new forum looks good.
How's work in the States picking up yet.
Yes, we had some support from Graeme in some of that crane work. He and Angus are just back from Tassie again, nodoubt Angus will post some video's soon, ive seen some of the pictures from that job and some big timber they did.
Some of this crane video is about 4 years old, we picked out only the best footage with alot of crane setting up this time and the lowering down of big timber and as always the crew do a great Job.
It looked like possibly one of the cabs on a crane also tilted up like it was on hydraulics....? That would be pretty cool, I know that constantly looking up can be hard on the neck and shoulders for the operator.

At least one of the cranes belongs to the tree service? You don't often see that with a big one. If so, must be a lot of work around.

Are Eucs good for anything besides burning or chips?
Jay, I think that most all larger cranes (70+ ton ) have the tilt cabs.
Thanks Cory, I'm going to run that by our operator. He wears one of those cushion donuts around his neck in his 25 ton. He says that sitting all day is really hard on him, hurts here and there.
Never knew that Eucs were so valuable.

During the war in the Pacific, when the Japanese expectation that the US would surrender within six months didn't quite pan out, they had to resort to using Pine pitch to power the naval fleet. Most of the large trees in the country were cut down for the squeezins. People still talk about it.

Pine pitch against the US....good luck brudder. They almost pulled it off......
Why do you tie your pull rope loose? Can the crew usually get it flipped off the log mid air or some such?
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  • #25
Why do you tie your pull rope loose? Can the crew usually get it flipped off the log mid air or some such?


Yes, You have answered your own question.:thumbup:.
Otherwise you need to dig the rope out or cut it off once it's buried deep in the ground.
