Cops thread


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
The old and very interesting cops thread got locked up (Doh! I see what I did there!). So here's a new one.

Yesterday in LA, a guy who was either/or mentally ill or on drugs (I'd say mentally ill) was accosting, assaulting, and injuring people with a heavy cable bike lock. Cops responded and shot and killed him. Tragically, one of their bullets deflected and killed a 14 y o girl in a nearby changing room.

The video below is a rather thorough and clear presentation of what went down.

One of my takeaways is that the dispatchers did a poor job as they took the 911 calls. Another is that most anyone with BJJ training could have stopped the perp rather easily. And another is that the cops are very proactive in making a very detailed and full disclosure of the incident, likely to put out fires before they start, so to speak.

Too much firepower for that situation. 9mm, .223, even a .22 are too much there. I agree with you, a flying tackle and quick elbow to the throat could have ended the guy without killing a young girl down-range. They already had the bleeding victim in protection, the rifle bearer failed.

The cops need less than lethal TRAINING and equipment:

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Good comments!

Nice to see the Cops thread back, eh??:rockhard:
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I aint know.

Gary, for discussion- if you were the on scene cop, you see the bloodied victim, you're probably not positive what weapon is being used by the perp and even if you did know he only used a bike lock thus far, he could still possibly have a gun. It's a frenzied, frenetic scene, the shelves etc are partially obscuring the perp. I guess what I'm saying is that perhaps only in hindsight can one be sure that rifles etc were excessive.
I understand the point. And yes he could have had a gun and not used it up to that point. But it looked like they could see his hands and with that many cops showing up it seems like someone should have had a less than lethal weapon that could be used. In an army platoon everybody doesn't carry a rifle.. there's a variety of weaponry available to be used for different tasks. Surely those guys had tasers but I didn't see anybody trying to use them. I think they were caught up in the heat of the moment with blood on the floor and the guy still moving around. A shotgun with number eight birdshot would have taken him out without killing the girl behind the drywall. Or a shotgun with a bean bag round. If there had been bullets flying from the perpetrator I would understand. I just don't think they had proper awareness of surroundings at the moment. It's a hard call and I'm glad the bad guy's dead, but hate it the child got killed accidentally.

And it looked like the bad guy was shot in each leg. It apparently was a ricochet round from the ground that went up and killed the girl. Shooting center of mass.. and the guy had plenty of mass.. maybe it would have contained the bullet inside his body. The man with the rifle wanted to get up front and he got what he wanted but he did not use the accuracy available from a rifle to its best advantage. Those first shots should have hit the bad guy in the torso or the head.. torso probably best in that situation just to absorb the energy of the bullet. But I'm arm chair quarterbacking I know. Long story short.. it got screwed up pretty badly.
I’ll chime in only to say that while the collateral death is tragic, but I think it’s time we took our streets back. There are entirely too many idiots…whether naturally-occurring idiocy…or chemically-induced idiocy. They need to understand their actions will incur consequences, perhaps fatal consequences. Tackle the guy, and there’s another mouth to feed and carcass to clothe. At least this perp will never hurt anyone again.
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All good points, Gary, thanks for your perspective.

They need to understand their actions will incur consequences, perhaps fatal consequences.

Imo, this perp would understand nothing of the kind and therefore no changes in policy would avert this incident. Maybe spend more on mental health care, idk.
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The man with the rifle wanted to get up front and he got what he wanted

I only watched it once but I sensed their training dictated that a guy with a rifle be in front of the group. In general, they seemed like what they were- patrol cops without the higher level training of say, a SWAT team.
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'Pithing', I just learned a new word
I understand the point. And yes he could have had a gun and not used it up to that point. But it looked like they could see his hands and with that many cops showing up it seems like someone should have had a less than lethal weapon that could be used. In an army platoon everybody doesn't carry a rifle.. there's a variety of weaponry available to be used for different tasks. Surely those guys had tasers but I didn't see anybody trying to use them. I think they were caught up in the heat of the moment with blood on the floor and the guy still moving around. A shotgun with number eight birdshot would have taken him out without killing the girl behind the drywall. Or a shotgun with a bean bag round. If there had been bullets flying from the perpetrator I would understand. I just don't think they had proper awareness of surroundings at the moment. It's a hard call and I'm glad the bad guy's dead, but hate it the child got killed accidentally.

And it looked like the bad guy was shot in each leg. It apparently was a ricochet round from the ground that went up and killed the girl. Shooting center of mass.. and the guy had plenty of mass.. maybe it would have contained the bullet inside his body. The man with the rifle wanted to get up front and he got what he wanted but he did not use the accuracy available from a rifle to its best advantage. Those first shots should have hit the bad guy in the torso or the head.. torso probably best in that situation just to absorb the energy of the bullet. But I'm arm chair quarterbacking I know. Long story short.. it got screwed up pretty badly.
glad the bad guy us dead ???

really... who are any of us to judge? we all make mistakes and yet God loves us all no matter what.
the thing about getting killed is it makes it impossible to repent and makes restitution.
Seems like a shot gun would have been a better choice of weapon for many reasons.

The video to me shows societal break down on many levels. First and probably least since hes a big scary dude, he is obviously agitated and nobody gives a shit. My main gripe with society is when he starts to become unruly nobody bands together and stands up to him. When I was a kid if somebody in a store acted out like that they would have their ass handed to them from a crowd of indignant bystanders . Shoot Granny would have split his lip with her walker .

We are going to shit in a hurry folks, you see that bunch of chicken shits going to war with China ? Fug if China had a deal where they would pay your Amazon bill for 6 months they could take over in 2 and all would be good for 4 more.....

Nothing is done for the common good anymore, aside from maybe shooting that asshole .
Was the round that hit the girl a pass through or a miss?

I cant see how far away the offender was when they shot him but at 20 feet, even a shotgun will pass through.

Even the rear most cops had drawn their weapons in the film I saw. Thats a cluster just waiting to happen imho.
The video said the round deflected off of the ground and ricocheted up into the dressing room. It looked to me like the first two shots were at calf / ankle level...way low. Certainly not center of mass.
You are right, I see what you mean.

The real question is, if a black man uses an AR15 to shoot a white guy with a bike lock and kills an innocent bystander.Does ANTIFA make a sound.
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glad the bad guy us dead ???

really... who are any of us to judge? we all make mistakes and yet God loves us all no matter what.
the thing about getting killed is it makes it impossible to repent and makes restitution.
This coming from a guy who disses the U.S. on a daily basis and refuses to stand for the Anthem. To quote a famous old line…”You’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything…” The perp was BEATING people with a bike lock. That warrants MAKING him stop. I have no issue with deadly force in this scenario.
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When your country subsidies the kind of chaos we see are going to have some collateral damage.

For the sheer amount of policing that is done in the US....generally a good job is done.

Officer involved shootings are rare, bystanders killed are even rarer.

Little black girls killed in drive bys don't make the Hilight Reels.