ALTERNATIVE tree climbing methods - ANCIENT / old preferred

Think about if I came into your shop, needing your years of experience and talent and you were going to make a cut on your table saw, what would you think if I said, " don't cut your fingers off."?

I dunno, I can get pretty intimate with the blade, and usually tell myself that a number of times per day if machining, one more from somebody else wouldn't seem so odd. I guess we just have different takes on it, but I know what you are saying. My response to someone cautioning about losing fingers might be, "Really, isn't that the truth". I guess if everyone that walked in the door said that, it would seem more like a hex. Sometimes I tell the crane operator to be careful, but he acts like my cautionary is stupid. I guess some professionals just react to that in such a way, don't need the outside tip. There are still crane misfortunes in the news sometimes.