Animated GIF Thread 2019

Ladders are the devil, and I sometimes get weirded out on roofs. I clean the gutters at the office usually, and it's only a single story building, so not real far off the ground. There is one tricky part that's over a concrete stairwell, so the hardest part of the job is also over the most dangerous where the drop just about doubles. I don't like doing that section.
Same here. I have no problem being tied in to a tall tree or my Nifty Lift at 70 feet. But put me near the edge of a cliff or a 2 or 3 story roof and my rational brain shuts down. Self preservation brain kicks in, yelling, "DANGER!! WILL ROBINSON!!!"
No but the best thing, John, would be to climb up from the bottom and when you see somebody stick their feet over the edge just lightly tug on their big toe. You don't have to pull them off.. just a slight tug to get their attention.