What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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Went down to the 1700 foot level so we did not have to work in snow all day. Tad chilly. Came home and it started snowing on us while we were servicing the chipper.
servicing the 'chopper' would sound cooler, only a little bit though. :D
Ice a quarter inch thick on my little truck early AM . Creaky trees .

Thawed out a tad noonish but now it's snowing rather briskly .Looks like an inch and a half so far in several hours .
I think we hit 80 today, all the trees and plants are waking up and spitting out new leaves. I absolutely love this time of year.
about 50,000 without power this morning just south of us here, due to ice storm. we got about 7" of snow here.
About 5" of snow last night and just now a large amount of snow and ice slid off the south facing roof.
Spring flowers popping up: crocuses in bloom where they are protected on south side submural areas;
jonquils and daffodils are up about an inch and a half and winter aconite is in bloom...
Spring is right around the corner and still plenty of seasoned wood left for the stove...
With that ice yesterday we got 4.5 inchs of dry powder fluff last night .Things were a tad slick this morning . Temps just below freezing .
It is a chilly 7 F. out. No wind. That is a plus. It is supposed to be in the 30's and sunny tomorrow. I am ready for spring. Got to go look on the south side of Mom's house and see if the snow drops are getting ready to bloom.
Yay to that Brian plum flowers on my trees when I got home and the dogwoods are so ready if we get the chance of rain (slim) they will. Pear flowers galore!
Very cold front out of Canada forecast, snow down to sea level, lots of it expected in the mountains. Had about an inch at my house this morning, snowing hard when I left for work.
lol, no Burnham, the cold front is coming from Alaska, THEN through Canada on down, you can't blame us for this... :)
roger that, seems we dodged a bullet last night with a snowfall landing south and west of us, we may be on the hook overnight though.
75 and sunny, today, but all hell breaks loose this weekend! Highs in the 36ish range, maybe, with rain, maybe!
I just stepped outside and took a peek .Damned if I don't have two foot drifts in my driveway again .Oh my once again ,fire up the poor old Fergueson and plow out the drive .This is getting old .