What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 8K
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Man we are getting blasted! Severe Thunder Storm Warning, the lighting is so intense, the windows are rattling. WOW!
The drive looks like the deck of a crab boat. Water Water everywhere!
We have had some cooler than normal stuff here, but it seems to rain every 2 to 3 days. just the last few days we have seen temps in the mid 80's with high humidity.
Smokey as all heck here. Visibility about 1 mile or less the last 4 days. The lighting caused fires in the Napa area are causing it.
Hot and muggy here. Upper 70's on the way out the door in the morning, pushing 90 by 11am and rain every afternoon. Typical Florida summer pattern. This should change by October. :(
drought conditions - Dry Thunderstorms - in the 90's

at the least it is cool at night
Crystal clear here for days now. Scorching hot and today is supposed to be even hotter.8)

Air quality issues what's that? :D