Tree predictions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frans
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Over time as an Arborist I come across trees that I can see will cause troubles.

Here is one that I am convinced will fall on the house some day.

Hard to see from the pix but it is a valley oak leaning over the house. The tree makes the house seem small.

The new owners promptly installed a lawn and gravel around the base of it.
The lawn is uphill from the root flair so all the water and fert. soak right into the root flair.

If you gave me this house I would sell it and never spend one night there...

Anyone else have a tree which they are convinced will fail?


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That is one big mother oak...if it does fall, bad news there Frans. Has the condition of the crown changed any over the years?
Yep, I'd tear down that house and build one in a better place... and I'd mulch the hell out of that turf too.
that tree will flatten that house. theres a few around here like that. some people have more care than common sence
I was convinced this one would

It was at my house. I was tired of worrying about it while out on storm calls looking at the destruction caused by comprimised trees.

I saved the piece in the third pic to show the irate s-o-b neighbors (explaining my credentials and line of work didn't seem to carry any weight:|:)

The best one was the lady next door chastizing me and saying how the former owners took such great care of that tree:? I'm sure you can all tell it had been topped a few times.

Anyway she did fall, due to my ms200 and 357xp:evil:


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The best experience I had was one highly irritated tree hugger who was screaming at us for cutting down a large banyan tree [located on city property]. She said she was going to call the mayor's office. I told her to be my guest. I did not tell her that this was a job contracted to us by City Hall, due to complaints about the tree by the people who lived around it. :lol:

I never saw or heard from her again.
There is a monster oak in front of a customer's house... right on the corner of Big Oak Trail. It is a landmark tree, and we baby it. It's gonna topple one day. It has a driveway cut into more than a third of it. Justdammitman. Traffic will be the main target.
I'll get pix.
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  • #9
That is one big mother oak...if it does fall, bad news there Frans. Has the condition of the crown changed any over the years?
The tree had not been messed with for years, and the root zone/growing zone had been naturally mulched. The previous owners were old folks who had lived there for years and years.
Folks went to a 'home', and the kids sold the house about a year ago now. The new owners promptly graveled and installed turf.
My friend who maintained the property for the last owners refused to install the turf and gravel so the new owners fired him and got the 'professionals' in there to do the work.

I go by and see the landscape mow and blows scattering fert. 'bout once a week. And the water is on every day....

You all are right, that tree will smoosh the entire house into a mulch about a foot high....

You better believe I will be there taking pix when it does fail. I will be there lickety split to catch that on film.
Yeah, that's a nice oak, Frans. I crane my neck everytime I drive by it. Sure would like to set a line and do a little limb walking in it before she goes. Can you set it up? Hmmm?
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  • #11
hummmm, maybe... Their are plenty of better oaks to climb Gerry. Hoot Owl Creek has some monsters. I'll check into that if your gig is to limb walk a big oak.
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  • #13
Steady lad, steaaaady.... Give me time, it will come.
Not for the Egger Beaver, Butch. But I do have some trees picked out to climb for some helmet cam videos. Routine backyard stuff. Rope climbing techniques and talking through setting ropes. I'm currently working on a segment about advancing and using the climbline in the tree. From 101 basics to far anchor points. Spiderman stuff. The voice over is a big part of the time involved with it. Technical descriptions. Ugh!!
Not for the Egger Beaver, Butch. But I do have some trees picked out to climb for some helmet cam videos. Routine backyard stuff. Rope climbing techniques and talking through setting ropes. I'm currently working on a segment about advancing and using the climbline in the tree. From 101 basics to far anchor points. Spiderman stuff. The voice over is a big part of the time involved with it. Technical descriptions. Ugh!!

I need that DVD. I suck at advancing the rope.
That's one impressive oak! Nothing even remotely close to that up here...

Hope it can withstand the mistreatment.

It looks to be ~100-110' tall, 120-140 foot crown spread and 7-8 feet I close?
Looking at your pics Frans it just amazes me how stupid some people are. The place looked really nice just the way it was. Why would you spend money to make changes which could put your massive, stately, and if messed up potentially dangerous tree at risk, to add some more lawn? That's bizarro?
Looking at your pics Frans it just amazes me how stupid some people are. The place looked really nice just the way it was. Why would you spend money to make changes which could put your massive, stately, and if messed up potentially dangerous tree at risk, to add some more lawn? That's bizarro?

The new owners are Canadians?;)
Hey Frans, get me their street address. I could write them a letter saying I was just driving by on my recent trip to NorCal and saw this tree and saw some issues that should be addressed (lawn, fertilizing, irrigation). I wonder if they'd respond.

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  • #23
Did you see it Nick? Its at the beginning of Dry Creek Rd. near hwy 101
No worries Steve-I advance by sucking the rope. Maybe we could team up for a climbing comedy.

Sounds like some counseling may be in order.:) My whiny bitch contract climber guy sometimes holds the rope in his mouth while he slides the friction hitch.
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  • #25
My whiny bitch contract climber guy

Uh oh, sounds like the beginning of the end for this guy.

I get frustrated sometimes when I have a guy who tries to convince me that his slow miserable speed in the tree is normal or that what I ask him to do is impossible.
Then I have to go and do it to prove that it is no big deal. 'Proving' myself to some young climber gets old real quick.

I dont ask anyone to do anything I would not hesitate to do myself and I dont do anything crazy or dangerous in the tree.