The Official Work Pictures Thread

Damn.. I wish Joe were close to here. Sure could use him on the 95.

Whats it doing? I got a 96 with over 320k on it so I've been there. The biggest problems are usually traced back to the injectors due to seat wear. The 7.3 cackle and the smoking until warm, rough starting, eventually becoming impossible to start when cold are the common symptoms.

And if the other one is the 6.0 I've heard if you delete the egr and put in better head bolts it actually becomes a decent motor. Unfortunately i believe you have to pull the cab to do so.
Great work pics! I just had a 13" manitoba maple leaning towards a road this moring. Maasdam made it easy.


I cut a row of pines last fall/winter and she requested the stumps high, guess this is her plan.
Thanks. Small solo job, easy peasey. Here is some raw video. Used my now deceased army buddy's MS170, he did a bit of tree work before he got sick.

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Right-on, Peter. I gotta salute you solo guys. Looks like it's still pretty cold up there.

Not often we process firewood at $95.00 per hr. per man. Sorry bout the pics... pretty snotty out.

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Having a good mechanic is worth more than, Well, you know.


Jed: Yo, Jedidiah-- "All School," I love it!!!

I'm fascinated by your posts about rediscovering and appreciating the taut line. Keep on keeping on!
MB, if memory serves, wasn't there an ancient thread here entitled 'tautline appreciation thread'??

Ftr, I was always a 2 under 1 over guy.8)
I liked your vid too Peter, it started kinda boring, then got interesting from a MA perspective, and right when it's about to end left your bud's saw idling, right next to the stump as the tree fell, a potentially expensive mistake.

Other than that, well done mate.


Hazard madrone, hazard maples, and two hard leaning medium-ish madrones over the service drop and trees.

Poor man's spider lift. The Nifty 50' was just, just tall enough to put straight up under the end of a stone dead madrone, about 62' tall. No way was I going to rig off it.
I did a bit of a hail Mary rig... Threw the rigging line down through a thick forest canopy, rigged of it. No problem catching the top. Heat pump and house, and man-lift plumb below it, so I had to rig it.

The lift barely fit. No bucket truck access. I don't think a pick-up could have fit the lift into the back patio where the outriggers wrapped the corner or the house.

Brother in law of customer just bought a Wood miser. Saved some mill logs for him.

Nice water front property/ vacation home.
All wood and chip stay for use onsite/ mill.

Squeezing in the back with the lift meant saving a crane bill and coordination.
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Dang Sean! Nice work!

They said come work with some fun guys.

The Two Down One-Up crew! :rockon:

Before modern safe and efficient techniques were evolved, one big plus of the 2down1up was that it could be tied fairly easily with one hand as you hung on with the other:/:
Never liked fun guys myself. Met many of them.

Sean glad to see you are loving that Boxer , To date I have never regretted investing in iron.