The Official Work Pictures Thread

I've used speed line exactly twice but each time it was key. Reasonably fast set up imo.
Gut dat hinge!
I been drinking. I was at my former long time climbers funeral. Or celebration of life party as I should say. I miss that guy many years of tree work and many thousands of trees slain, literally. I tried to help him. Booze is a bitch. But I told his kids what he meant to me and if they ever wanted to know more to hit me up. His son, Jasper, showed me his keychain biner that I know all too well. I cried. That ain no way for a man to die. The odd thing is that the company that cleaned up his death is Servepro and a former employee did the actual clean up. Many tears shed.
Sorry maybe a tad heavy but I miss my friend.
All those trees watching each others backs but it’s a goddamned bottle that did it.
Sorry all! Rant over.
Speed lines take no time to set-up. Tie one knot or clip one termination biner for a trunk choke. No strain on the body. Controlled speed lining can be used very effectively, too.
Just two set up for me too. Most of the time, the tree is too low for the expected travel. By the time enough limbs have been removed to get a good working height, it doesn't worth it any more. Usually.
The first one was an oak in the midle of an horse's practice. So, jumping the limbs over the boards fence was nice. Avoiding to embed a lot a sticks in the softened ground too. The second was a spruce in a very bushy backyard, no landzone. I could have done a perfect one for a big Cupressus arizonica on top of a step bank, with snaky stairs and a stone retaining wall dropping to the street, but we didn't get the job.
alot of times i use a brake line in the tree (tree wraps) for the lower limbs. that gives groundies enough time to tension the speedline (5:1) to clear obstacles.
Hedge trimmers are my least favorite powered tool. Very unfun, and they make a big mess.

My least favorite tool overall is a posthole digger. You know your day's gonna suck when that's the tool you're issued.
There's a local girl who pulls weeds and trims bushes for the neighbors. She gets $15 per hour, has a dog that rides with her most days and spends most of her earnings on Bud Light. ;) :lol: