The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

  • Thread starter Werks 4 da Man
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Very lucky as our horse is shoe'd all around too. But atleast Thundy will maybe give the horse some respect now, he's been getting a little rambunctious around the horse trying to get him to play.
Ahh, he's fine. It didn't get his eyeball at all. Dogs are super tough that'll heal right up in no time. I've poked all around it and cleaned it up and he didn't wince/react at all.

My wife was about having a panic attack over it though.:D
When I was kicked bad by a horse I never saw it coming....just wham!

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Man, I think its getting to be time for my old Lab. Hes somewhere around 12 or 13 years old (were not exactly sure how old), hes always been a nervous wreck and scared shitless of rain and thunderstorms. Well today it was raining when I got home and he refused to go outside when I got home, because of the rain. Then about a half hour later, he sqwatted on the stairs (carpeted) and just started pissin all over the place. I didnt see it at first but I heard this gushing water sound and went to look WTF was going on and there he was pissing on my carpet. And this is not the first time either. Hes never been a great dog and never been a real bad dog except for being a nervous wreck.
Ive always said, even though hes not the best dog, he will always have a home with food until his time comes, because I dont believe in "getting rid (giving away)" of pets when they become a nuisance. Well his behavior lately is a bit more than a nuisance. I can tolerate alot of things with dogs, but pissing all over my house is not one of them. I know hes old and may not have the control as a younger dog, but I think its time that I think real hard about putting him down. Problem is my daughter does not understand this and thinks it would be cruel of me to have him put down. (Its been discussed before). I love dogs, but having to deal with this I do not like.


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No hes not "sick", but his hips are shot. We dont have a pound to speak but we do have a local Humane Center, however they will just end up putting him down after a short period of time.
A lab frightened of the rain, never have heard that before. Wonder what aspect of rain makes him it with thunder?

Actually, now looking it up on the web, other dog owners experience that, and most seem to resort to medication if the condition is too bad.
A lab frightened of the rain, never have heard that before. Wonder what aspect of rain makes him it with thunder?

Actually, now looking it up on the web, other dog owners experience that, and most seem to resort to medication if the condition is too bad.

My aunt had a dog like that. He had his own xannax script.:lol: No chit!
Put up with a beagle that was scared to death of thunder. found him hiding in the basement dug into a pile of ashes from the wood stove once. What a mess to clean out of his coat & eyes. He was a great old dog otherwise though. Ended up putting him to sleep and burying him here the morning of our wedding (he had kept us both up all night).
Drugs? ha, I've been paying for allergy medicine for a couple itchy mutts since we lived in Kentucky.
It,s a tough decision sometimes.
My present dog is a lab mix who is scared of any sudden movements, loud noises, and doesn't like the water. He is also the best behaved of the three we have.
I usually look at it as a quality of life issue. The dog certainly knows better and probably isn't choosing to go in the house unless there has been a major change in roles lately, i.e. new puppy/kitten/house, etc., in which case he would be marking territory. The amount you describe seems to be from nerves, or loss of control due to age though.
Best of luck with your decision TH.
Free cat...chair not included! :P


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Our new Alaskan Malamute pup 2 weeks old.


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Four days old, with her mum.


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This is one of my favourite pics of her with the missus.


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Today, 13 weeks old, weighs 24 pounds and eats like a horse.....


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