The Crushing Of The Blaster

He fell, his climbing line caught him 18" off the ground, but his knee still took the brute... I think.

Do I remember correctly MB?

Good deal on the wound healing :)
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  • #230
Yea, the limb broke and when I landed my left foot wasn't facing in the right direction.
Wow that had to hurt. I hyper extended my knee practicing to be the next worlds champion bulldogger ;) when I was about 21 yrs. old. On crutches for a month and a cane for a couple more. Put a stop to that stuff. Anyway while a guy is laid up you get awful impatient to start doing stuff again. Anything. Going to the grocery store starts to seem like an adventure. Having to depend on other people for everything gets to be a bitch also.

When I hurt my knee bulldogging I had a party scheduled at my house in a few days and I had a couple of buddies that I had asked to get everything ready for me. This party was kind of important to me because it was the first party in a house that I owned and there was this girl coming. I had them coming about 4 hours before the party started and they did show up on time but started slamming down my booze as soon as they got there. In a hour or two both of them were totally worthless and I kept asking them to do stuff and they would yell at me defiantly like they were my kids or something. Then they would just stagger off all pissed and forget what I had asked them in about 30 seconds. I was pretty mad at the time, because being helpless is a bitch, but it seems pretty funny now when I think back on it.
Why would I not listen? And why will you not believe me when I tell you Ibuprofen doesn't work? It's not PAIN, it's a nerve thing.
Hey, I did not say you were not listening, just encouraging you to continue to persevere in following his orders. You are doing a good job and I know it must be tough. Here is my thinking on the Ibuprofen: I am NOT talking about the pain, I am talking about the SWELLING, Ibuprofen reduces swelling, and if the swelling subsides maybe the nerves could relax. Just trying to help, big guy. (but I will shut up now) :roll:
Hi Boss, tring to keep the rest of your body in shape will be handy..

Im finding all sorts of musels i forgot i had, also got rope burns for the first time ever.

The office at (my families) home had a "skyhook" in the roof, just to practise stuff i learnt here, I should of had one here, just to keep my upper body in shape..In the mean time, take it easy mate!!
That's impossible to do with your foot elevated above your heart. :(

How about your leg on a well padded chair, your butt on the ground.

Do some "pull ups" with a rope, slide up the hitch to keep your hands workin..
just as high as your leg, then down again.

Mabey when they get the plaster on, in the meantime, whilst seated, try to do some push ups from the chair, it will also help your torso.
All that moving around, he'd probably knock over a whiskey bottle or two. I am not sure that's a good idea.
Bar dips on the edge of the chair?

You could hold onto both whiskey bottles and bar dip on those with your feet on an ottoman. Great for the abs too.

No offense to Ottomans.
fraaaaans--because--swelling down--good---swelling still up--not so good--
fraaaaans--because--swelling down--good---swelling still up--not so good--

I agree with both of you. However, I think once the swelling is down the pain will ease. At least I sure hope so. Here is to hoping you are feeling better soon, MB.
I agree with both of you. However, I think once the swelling is down the pain will ease. At least I sure hope so. Here is to hoping you are feeling better soon, MB.

I second that!
Get better soon MB!:thumbup:
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  • #250
I believe it's going down, just a bit.

Cool! Now I've gotta stretch out that Achillie's tendon. THAT'S gonna be fun.