Still getting up there :)


Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
I had to remove a small Doug fir from near our house, one we planted as a seedling a bit more than 30 years ago, just a few years before building the house. Dang thing died to no cause I can figure, just showed stress and needle loss over the course of a few years, and last summer it finally gave up the ghost. May have been drought, but I don't know...others nearby are fine.

Anyway, it was a simple job, just spur climb and limb it, toss about 20 feet of top, then chunk it down in double firewood lengths until I could fall the lower 20some feet of it. Total height was 85 feet. Not a very big hole to drop into, but not super tight.
Pics. new 003.JPG
new 004.JPG
I do know you LOVED being up there! Who'd a thunk that a few years ago when you were having those hip issues. Very cool to see that done....beautiful cutting. Jed and Rich will love to see that, too.
Now that your conifer skills are revved up your audience is waiting for some backflip, Johnny Pro action vids limb walking a ridiculous monster spreader at sprint speed ... ok I'm clearly just teasing you. :) Bet it feels pretty good being back up a tree. Still waiting on my first climb of the year.
In my experience doug firs are delicate trees. Soil compaction, grade changes, weather changes all seem to hit them hard
At least he had the appropriate attire on!

How many days did it take yu?

Not as quick outta yur Jaguar anymore eh?

Love the Hickory shirt tho!
