"so....hows bizness"

Direct deposit instructions with an email invoice seems to be working for me. A lot of people here are into on-line banking. Unless I get paid right then and there, it saves chasing around to pick up cheques or waiting for them in the mail.
I have known a piece of mail take 10 days to get from the GPO in Hamilton out to my PO in St. David's... and its only TEN MILES down de road!
Tree work in Cali has slowed throughout, as well as locally on the north coast. Most business's I know personally have always worked with a backlog, but now it's call to call for most of them.

I don't believe that the money here is that tight, but more people are hedging their bets and holding on to their money. Tax time now, always historically slow.

It may loosen up in a couple of months. But scary nonetheless. Only because of worse case scenarios.

It's a house of cards right now.
I am getting busy but not really making very much money yet. I am running extra personnel because I am going to lose a guy soon and need to train his replacement.
Weather is supposed to improve here for the next few days. I'm on a short backlog now working four days a week. The phone is ringing but not a lot.

For now anyway, I'm feeling somewhat optimistic.
Tree work is way slow here now. Unfortunately, we didn't get a heavy snowfall that always brings in a lot of jobs. The way things are with the pines around the vacation homes, one big snow, and a lot of folks will be questioning their tree maintenance ways. Not looking too promising now, though. I bought a new set of snow tires, but haven't needed them. :(
Trees going down all over the place and nuttin hit any houses yet that I have got.. Mostly arborphobia. But I can tell ya... There were a couple that it was a good thing I took some of it from over the house, Went by one the other day and yup, it had fell over. Just did not take the house or garage cause that side was missing ;)
Should be getting some more calls as this stuff falls. Just a couple so far.
Well my week was quiet until today. Looked at one job, and got a call for one I bid last summer- though she only wants to do one tree.

Last week I sent out 3, 2 were discounted a good bit because we decided we can blow the chips in the woods (haven't heard yet), and 1 of them I know I overbid by about 2 hrs. I'm not sure weather or not I should send out a revised bid.
Going good here at the moment. The Ice Storm 5 weeks or so ago kick started work for us and it looks this work will carry us into Spring or Summer, when regular work kicks back in. We're also getting more non-storm related calls via word of mouth. We have a lot of good friends who've been spreading the word and it's working!!
still steady for me, mostly small deciduous tree pruning, a few hedges and a few consults. Booked through the end of next week and a few more quotes are out there waiting for a thumbs up.
Well, got a jury summons. That should cost me a days work. Lets hope that's all it will cost :P My track record is never served when called yet. Show up and go home after a day cause something went wrong or changed for the trial. Crossing my fingers.
One of my schoolhod chums, his pops had a pat answer for the lawyers during the jury interview process. I wont repeat it here as it was somewhat racist. It got him out of jury duty at least once. ;-)
Why don't they see who's taking unemployment and summons them?

Business is picking up here but my brain is still in winter mode. I went to do a bid today and realized that I had not copied the street number or what the customer wanted done. I have cobwebs in my head and I need to clear them out somehow. I'll try the blower tomorrow and see if that works.
I got picked to be on a jury once, they had just seated us and the lawyers and the judge went back in chambers and settled the case and I was home for lunch. That was 15 years ago, at least.
I only got a summons once...i had just graduated college and called the court house telling them I was moving out of town for a job and not coming back....got out of it.

Havent been called since (knock on wood), but I can imagine the unrepeatable phrase. Im sure things like that are said all the time.

work wise, its not too bad. im about a week out. gotten a few more calls in the last couple days since the weather has been so nice. Im going to check on 4-5 jobs tomorrow. I only have 1 guy working right now, that could be the other reason I have as much work to do as i do.
They can, and do, summons you every three years here. PITA, but somebody's got to do it, I guess. Haven't had to serve yet. Did get out for being a sole proprietor. I told the judge if I didn't do my job for two weeks, I'd be out of business.